Source code for

from os.path import join, dirname
import numpy as np

from .. import const, os as xm_os
from .general import _savefig
from ..imprt import preset_import

from ..log import get_logger
logger = get_logger()

[docs]def scatter_on_img(pts, im, size=2, bgr=(0, 0, 255), outpath=None): r"""Plots scatter on top of an image or just a white canvas, if you are being creative by feeding in just a white image. Args: pts (array_like): Pixel coordinates of the scatter point(s), of length 2 for just one point or shape N-by-2 for multiple points. Convention: .. code-block:: none +-----------> dim1 | | | v dim0 im (numpy.ndarray): Image to scatter on. H-by-W (grayscale) or H-by-W-by-3 (RGB) arrays of ``unint`` type. size (float or array_like(float), optional): Size(s) of scatter points. If *array_like*, must be of length N. bgr (tuple or array_like(tuple), optional): BGR color(s) of scatter points. Each element :math:`\in [0, 255]`. If *array_like*, must be of shape N-by-3. outpath (str, optional): Path to which the visualization is saved to. ``None`` means ``os.path.join(const.Dir.tmp, 'scatter_on_img.png')``. Writes - The scatter plot overlaid over the image. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) if outpath is None: outpath = join(const.Dir.tmp, 'scatter_on_img.png') thickness = -1 # for filled circles # Standardize inputs if im.ndim == 2: # grayscale im = np.dstack((im, im, im)) # to BGR pts = np.array(pts) if pts.ndim == 1: pts = pts.reshape(-1, 2) n_pts = pts.shape[0] if im.dtype != 'uint8' and im.dtype != 'uint16': logger.warning("Input image type may cause obscure cv2 errors") if isinstance(size, int): size = np.array([size] * n_pts) else: size = np.array(size) bgr = np.array(bgr) if bgr.ndim == 1: bgr = np.tile(bgr, (n_pts, 1)) # FIXME: necessary, probably due to OpenCV bugs? im = im.copy() # Put on scatter points for i in range(pts.shape[0]): xy = tuple(pts[i, ::-1].astype(int)) color = (int(bgr[i, 0]), int(bgr[i, 1]), int(bgr[i, 2])), xy, size[i], color, thickness) # Make directory, if necessary outdir = dirname(outpath) xm_os.makedirs(outdir) # Write to disk cv2.imwrite(outpath, im) # TODO: switch to
[docs]def uv_on_texmap(uvs, texmap, ft=None, outpath=None, max_n_lines=None, dotsize=4, dotcolor='r', linewidth=1, linecolor='b'): """Visualizes which points on texture map the vertices map to. Args: uvs (numpy.ndarray): N-by-2 array of UV coordinates. See :func:`xiuminglib.blender.object.smart_uv_unwrap` for the UV coordinate convention. texmap (numpy.ndarray or str): Loaded texture map or its path. If *numpy.ndarray*, can be H-by-W (grayscale) or H-by-W-by-3 (color). ft (list(list(int)), optional): Texture faces used to connect the UV points. Values start from 1, e.g., ``'[[1, 2, 3], [], [2, 3, 4, 5], ...]'``. outpath (str, optional): Path to which the visualization is saved to. ``None`` means ``os.path.join(const.Dir.tmp, 'uv_on_texmap.png')``. max_n_lines (int, optional): Plotting a huge number of lines can be slow, so set this to uniformly sample a subset to plot. Useless if ``ft`` is ``None``. dotsize (int or list(int), optional): Size(s) of the UV dots. dotcolor (str or list(str), optional): Their color(s). linewidth (float, optional): Width of the lines connecting the dots. linecolor (str, optional): Their color. Writes - An image of where the vertices map to on the texture map. """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable if outpath is None: outpath = join(const.Dir.tmp, 'uv_on_texmap.png') # Preprocess input if isinstance(texmap, str): cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) texmap = cv2.imread( # TODO: switch to texmap, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)[:, :, ::-1] # made RGB if len(texmap.shape) == 2: add_colorbar = True # for grayscale elif len(texmap.shape) == 3: add_colorbar = False # for color texture maps else: raise ValueError( ("texmap must be either H-by-W (grayscale) or H-by-W-by-3 " "(color), or a path to such images")) dpi = 96 # assumed h, w = texmap.shape[:2] w_in, h_in = w / dpi, h / dpi fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w_in, h_in)) u, v = uvs[:, 0], uvs[:, 1] # ^ v # | # +---> u x, y = u * w, (1 - v) * h # +---> x # | # v y # UV dots ax = fig.gca() ax.set_xlim([min(0, min(x)), max(w, max(x))]) ax.set_ylim([max(h, max(y)), min(0, min(y))]) im = ax.imshow(texmap, cmap='gray') ax.scatter(x, y, c=dotcolor, s=dotsize, zorder=2) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Connect these dots if ft is not None: lines = [] for vert_id in [x for x in ft if x]: # non-empty ones assert min(vert_id) >= 1, "Indices in ft are 1-indexed" # For each face ind = [i - 1 for i in vert_id] n_verts = len(ind) for i in range(n_verts): lines.append([ (x[ind[i]], y[ind[i]]), (x[ind[(i + 1) % n_verts]], y[ind[(i + 1) % n_verts]]) ]) # line start and end if max_n_lines is not None: lines = [lines[i] for i in np.linspace( 0, len(lines) - 1, num=max_n_lines, dtype=int)] line_collection = LineCollection( lines, linewidths=linewidth, colors=linecolor, zorder=1) ax.add_collection(line_collection) # Make directory, if necessary outdir = dirname(outpath) xm_os.makedirs(outdir) # Colorbar if add_colorbar: # Create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 2% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.1 inch. cax = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes('right', size='2%', pad=0.2) plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # Save contents_only = not add_colorbar _savefig(outpath, contents_only=contents_only) plt.close('all')