Source code for xiuminglib.vis.html

from os.path import dirname

from ..os import makedirs

[docs]class HTML(): """HTML Builder. Attributes: head (str) body (str) tail (str): Concatenating the three gives the complete file contents, as a string. children (dict): Child elements, such as a table. """
[docs] def __init__( self, title="Results", bgcolor='black', text_font='roboto', text_color='white'): """ Args: title (str, optional): Page title. bgcolor (str, optional): Background color. Supports at least color names (like, ``'black'``) and Hex colors (like ``'#FFFFFF'``). text_font (str, optional): Supported values include ``'arial'``, etc. text_color (str, optional): Text color. """ # Start string self.head = '''<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{title}</title> </head> <body bgcolor="{bgcolor}"> <font face="{text_font}" color="{text_color}"> '''.format(title=title, bgcolor=bgcolor, text_font=text_font, text_color=text_color) # Contents, to add self.body = '' # End string self.tail = ''' </font> </body> </html> ''' self.children = {}
[docs] def add_header(self, text, level=1): self.body += ''' <h{level}>{text}</h{level}> '''.format(level=level, text=text)
[docs] def add_table(self, name=None, header=None, width='100%', border=6): """Adds a table to the HTML's children. Args: name (str, optional): Table name to enable easy access: ``self.children[name]``. header (list(str), optional): Table header. width (str, optional): Table width. border (int, optional): Border width. Returns: :class:`xiuminglib.vis.html.Table`: Table added. """ table = Table(header=header, width=width, border=border) if name is None: i = 0 while True: name = 'table%d' % i if name not in self.children: break i += 1 else: assert name not in self.children, \ "A child already took the name '%s'" % name self.children[name] = table return table
[docs] def save(self, index_file): """Saves the generated HTML string to the index file. Once called, this method also calls all children's :func:`close`, so that everything (e.g., a table) is properly closed. Args: index_file (str): Path to the generated index.html. Writes - An HTML index file. """ if not index_file.endswith('.html'): index_file += '.html' makedirs(dirname(index_file)) for _, child in self.children.items(): self.body += child.close() html_str = self.head + self.body + self.tail with open(index_file, 'w') as h: h.write(html_str)
[docs]class Table(): """HTML Table. Attributes: head (str) body (str) tail (str): Concatenating the three gives the complete file contents, as a string. td (str): ``td`` start string that specifies a uniform style. """
[docs] def __init__(self, header=None, width='100%', border=6): """ Args: header (list(str), optional): Table headers. width (str, optional): Table width. border (int, optional): Border width. """ self.head = ''' <table style="width:{width}" border="{border}"> '''.format(width=width, border=border) self.body = ''' <tr> ''' if header is not None: for col_header in header: self.body += ''' <th><p>{text}</p></th> '''.format(text=col_header) self.body += ''' </tr> ''' self.tail = ''' </table> ''' = '<td align="center" valign="middle">'
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the table. Returns: str: The generated table as a string. """ return self.head + self.body + self.tail
[docs] def add_row(self, media, types, captions=None, media_width=256): """Adds a row to the table. Args: media (list(str)): Paths to media, or the text to display itself. types (list(str)): Types for all the media: ``'image'`` or ``'text'``. captions (list(str), optional): Media captions to appear below the media. media_width (int, optional): Media width in pixels. """ if captions is None: captions = [None] * len(media) row_str = ''' <tr> ''' for x, xtype, xcap in zip(media, types, captions): xtype = xtype.lower() # Image if xtype == 'image': row_str += ''' {td}<img src="{img}" alt="{img}" width="{media_width}">'''.format(, img=x, media_width=media_width) # Text elif xtype == 'text': row_str += ''' {td}<p width="{media_width}">{text}</p>'''.format(, text=x, media_width=media_width) else: raise NotImplementedError(xtype) if xcap is not None: row_str += ''' <br><p>{text}</p>'''.format(text=xcap) row_str += '''</td> ''' row_str += ''' </tr> ''' self.body += row_str
if __name__ == '__main__': n_col = 6 n_row = 2 # Fake data medias, media_types, caps = ['Some text'], ['text'], [None] for col_i in range(1, n_col): medias.append('image%02d.png' % col_i) media_types.append('image') caps.append('Caption %d' % col_i) html = HTML('/usr/local/google/home/xiuming/Desktop/test.html') html.add_header("Hello, world!") # Table img_table = html.add_table(header=["Column %d" % x for x in range(n_col)]) for row_i in range(n_row): img_table.add_row(medias, media_types, caps)