Source code for xiuminglib.tracker

from os.path import join
import numpy as np

from .imprt import preset_import
from import scatter_on_img

[docs]class LucasKanadeTracker(): """Lucas Kanade Tracker. Attributes: frames (list(numpy.array)): Grayscale. pts (numpy.array) lk_params (dict) backtrack_thres (float) tracks (list(numpy.array)): Positions of tracks from the :math:`i`-th to :math:`(i+1)`-th frame. Arrays are of shape N-by-2. .. code-block:: none +------------> | tracks[:, 1] | | v tracks[:, 0] can_backtrack (list(numpy.array)): Whether each track can be back-tracked to the previous frame. Arrays should be Boolean. is_lost (list(numpy.array)): Whether each track is lost in this frame. Arrays should be Boolean. """
[docs] def __init__(self, frames, pts, backtrack_thres=1, lk_params=None): """ Args: frames (list(numpy.array)): Frame images in order. Arrays are either H-by-W or H-by-W-by-3, and will be converted to grayscale. pts (array_like): Points to track in the first frame. Of shape N-by-2. .. code-block:: none +------------> | pts[:, 1] | | v pts[:, 0] backtrack_thres (float, optional): Largest pixel deviation in the :math:`x` or :math:`y` direction of a successful backtrack. lk_params (dict, optional): Keyword parameters for :func:`cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK`. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) frames_gs = [] for img in frames: if img.ndim == 3: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frames_gs.append(img) self.frames = frames_gs self.pts = np.array(pts) self.lk_params = { 'winSize': (15, 15), 'maxLevel': 12, 'criteria': ( cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.03)} if lk_params is not None: # Overwrite with whatever is user-provided for key, val in lk_params.items(): self.lk_params[key] = val self.backtrack_thres = backtrack_thres self.tracks = [] self.can_backtrack = [] self.is_lost = []
[docs] def run(self, constrain=None): """Runs tracking. Args: constrain (function, optional): Function applied to tracks before being fed to the next round. It should take in an N-by-2 arrays as well as the current workspace (as a dictionary) and return another array. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) for fi in range(0, len(self.frames) - 1): f0, f1 = self.frames[fi], self.frames[fi + 1] if fi == 0: p0 = self._my2klt(self.pts) # Track with forward flow p1, not_lost, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( f0, f1, p0, None, **self.lk_params) is_lost = (1 - not_lost.ravel()).astype(bool) err = err.ravel() # Check quality by back-tracking p0r, _, _ = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( f1, f0, p1, None, **self.lk_params) can_backtrack = \ abs(p0 - p0r).reshape(-1, 2).max(-1) < self.backtrack_thres # Continue tracking these points or impose some constraints if constrain is None: p0 = p1 else: pts = self._klt2my(p1) pts = constrain(pts, locals()) p0 = self._my2klt(pts) self.tracks.append(self._klt2my(p0)) self.can_backtrack.append(can_backtrack) self.is_lost.append(is_lost)
[docs] def vis(self, out_dir, marker_bgr=(0, 0, 255)): """Visualizes results. Args: out_dir (str): Output directory. marker_bgr (tuple, optional): Marker BGR color. Writes - Each frame with tracked points marked out. """ for fi in range(0, len(self.frames) - 1): im = self.frames[fi + 1] pts = self.tracks[fi] scatter_on_img( im, pts, size=6, bgr=marker_bgr, outpath=join(out_dir, '%04d.png' % (fi + 1)))
@staticmethod def _my2klt(pts): """Reshapes .. code-block:: none +------------> | pts[:, 1] | | v pts[:, 0] into .. code-block:: none +------------> | pts[:, 0, 0] | | v pts[:, 0, 1] """ return np.expand_dims( np.vstack((pts[:, 1], pts[:, 0])).T, 1).astype(np.float32) @staticmethod def _klt2my(pts): """Inverse of :func:`_my2klt`""" return pts.reshape(-1, 2)[:, ::-1]