Source code for xiuminglib.sig

import numpy as np

from .imprt import preset_import

[docs]def get_extrema(arr, top=True, n=1, n_std=None): """Gets top (or bottom) N value(s) from an M-D array, with the option to ignore outliers. Args: arr (array_like): Array, which will be flattened if high-D. top (bool, optional): Whether to find the top or bottom N. n (int, optional): Number of values to return. n_std (float, optional): Definition of outliers to exclude, assuming Gaussian. ``None`` means assuming no outlier. Returns: tuple: - **ind** (*tuple*) -- Indices that give the extrema, M-tuple of arrays of N integers. - **val** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Extremum values, i.e., ``arr[ind]``. """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=float) if top: arr_to_sort = -arr.flatten() else: arr_to_sort = arr.flatten() if n_std is not None: meanv = np.mean(arr_to_sort) stdv = np.std(arr_to_sort) arr_to_sort[np.logical_or( arr_to_sort < meanv - n_std * stdv, arr_to_sort > meanv + n_std * stdv, )] = np.nan # considered greater than numbers ind = [ x for x in np.argsort(arr_to_sort) if not np.isnan(arr_to_sort[x]) ][:n] # 1D indices ind = np.unravel_index(ind, arr.shape) # Back to high-D val = arr[ind] return ind, val
[docs]def smooth_1d(arr, win_size, kernel_type='half'): """Smooths 1D signal. Args: arr (array_like): 1D signal to smooth. win_size (int): Size of the smoothing window. Use odd number. kernel_type (str, optional): Kernel type: ``'half'`` (e.g., normalized :math:`[2^{-2}, 2^{-1}, 2^0, 2^{-1}, 2^{-2}]`) or ``'equal'`` (e.g., normalized :math:`[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]`). Returns: numpy.ndarray: Smoothed 1D signal. """ assert np.mod(win_size, 2) == 1, "Even window size provided" arr = np.array(arr).ravel() # Generate kernel if kernel_type == 'half': kernel = np.array( [2 ** x if x < 0 else 2 ** -x for x in range(-int(win_size / 2), int(win_size / 2) + 1)]) elif kernel_type == 'equal': kernel = np.ones(win_size) else: raise ValueError("Unidentified kernel type") kernel /= sum(kernel) n = (win_size - 1) // 2 arr_pad = np.hstack((arr[0] * np.ones(n), arr, arr[-1] * np.ones(n))) arr_smooth = np.convolve(arr_pad, kernel, 'valid') # Restore original values of the head and tail arr_smooth[0] = arr[0] arr_smooth[-1] = arr[-1] return arr_smooth
[docs]def pca(data_mat, n_pcs=None, eig_method='scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh'): """Performs principal component (PC) analysis on data. Via eigendecomposition of covariance matrix. See :func:`main` for example usages, including reconstructing data with top K PCs. Args: data_mat (array_like): Data matrix of N data points in the M-D space, of shape M-by-N, where each column is a point. n_pcs (int, optional): Number of top PCs requested. ``None`` means :math:`M-1`. eig_method (str, optional): Method for eigendecomposition of the symmetric covariance matrix: ``'numpy.linalg.eigh'`` or ``'scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh'``. Returns: tuple: - **pcvars** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- PC variances (eigenvalues of covariance matrix) in descending order. - **pcs** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Corresponding PCs (normalized eigenvectors), of shape M-by-``n_pcs``. Each column is a PC. - **projs** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Data points centered and then projected to the ``n_pcs``-D PC space. Of shape ``n_pcs``-by-N. Each column is a point. - **data_mean** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Mean that can be used to recover raw data. Of length M. """ from scipy.sparse import issparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh if issparse(data_mat): data_mat = data_mat.toarray() else: data_mat = np.array(data_mat) # data_mat is NOT centered if n_pcs is None: n_pcs = data_mat.shape[0] - 1 # ------ Compute covariance matrix of data covmat = np.cov(data_mat) # auto handles uncentered data # covmat is real and symmetric in theory, but may not be so # due to numerical issues, so eigendecomposition method should be told # explicitly to exploit symmetry constraints # ------ Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors if eig_method == 'scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh': # Largest (in magnitude) n_pcs eigenvalues eig_vals, eig_vecs = eigsh(covmat, k=n_pcs, which='LM') # eig_vals in ascending order # eig_vecs columns are normalized eigenvectors pcvars = eig_vals[::-1] # descending pcs = eig_vecs[:, ::-1] elif eig_method == 'numpy.linalg.eigh': # eigh() prevents complex eigenvalues, compared with eig() eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(covmat) # eig_vals in ascending order # eig_vecs columns are normalized eigenvectors # FIXME: sometimes the eigenvalues are not sorted? Subnormals appear # All zero eigenvectors sort_ind = eig_vals.argsort() # ascending eig_vals = eig_vals[sort_ind] eig_vecs = eig_vecs[:, sort_ind] pcvars = eig_vals[:-(n_pcs + 1):-1] # descending pcs = eig_vecs[:, :-(n_pcs + 1):-1] else: raise NotImplementedError(eig_method) # ------ Center and then project data points to PC space data_mean = np.mean(data_mat, axis=1) data_mat_centered = data_mat - np.tile(data_mean.reshape(-1, 1), (1, data_mat.shape[1])) projs =, data_mat_centered) return pcvars, pcs, projs, data_mean
[docs]def dct_1d_bases(n): """Generates 1D discrete cosine transform (DCT) bases. Bases are rows of :math:`Y`, which is orthogonal: :math:`Y^TY=YY^T=I`. The forward process (analysis) is :math:`X=Yx`, and the inverse (synthesis) is :math:`x=Y^{-1}X=Y^TX`. See :func:`main` for example usages and how this produces the same results as :func:`scipy.fftpack.dct` (with ``type=2`` and ``norm='ortho'``). Args: n (int): Signal length. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Matrix whose :math:`i`-th row, when dotted with signal (column) vector, gives the coefficient for the :math:`i`-th DCT component. Of shape ``(n, n)``. """ col_ind, row_ind = np.meshgrid(range(n), range(n)) omega = np.multiply(row_ind, (2 * col_ind + 1) / (2 * n) * np.pi) wmat = np.cos(omega) wmat[0, :] = wmat[0, :] / np.sqrt(2) wmat = np.sqrt(2 / n) * wmat # normalize so that orthogonal return wmat
[docs]def dct_2d_bases(h, w): r"""Generates bases for 2D discrete cosine transform (DCT). Bases are given in two matrices :math:`Y_h` and :math:`Y_w`. See :func:`dct_1d_bases` for their properties. Note that :math:`Y_w` has already been transposed (hence, :math:`Y_hxY_w` instead of :math:`Y_hxY_w^T` below). Input image :math:`x` should be transformed by both matrices (i.e., along both dimensions). Specifically, the analysis process is :math:`X=Y_hxY_w`, and the synthesis process is :math:`x=Y_h^TXY_w^T`. See :func:`main` for example usages. Args: h (int): Image height. w Returns: tuple: - **dct_mat_h** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- DCT matrix :math:`Y_h` transforming rows of the 2D signal. Of shape ``(h, h)``. - **dct_mat_w** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- :math:`Y_w` transforming\ columns. Of shape ``(w, w)``. """ dct_mat_h = dct_1d_bases(h) dct_mat_w = dct_1d_bases(w).T return dct_mat_h, dct_mat_w
[docs]def dct_2d_bases_vec(h, w): r"""Generates bases stored in a single matrix, along whose height 2D frequencies get raveled. Using the "vectorization + Kronecker product" trick: :math:`\operatorname{vec}(Y_hxY_w)=\left(Y_w^T\otimes Y_h\right) \operatorname{vec}(x)`. So unlike :func:`dct_2d_bases`, this function generates a single matrix :math:`Y=Y_w^T\otimes Y_h`, whose :math:`k`-th row is the flattened :math:`(i, j)`-th basis, where :math:`k=wi+j`. Input image :math:`x` can be transformed with a single matrix multiplication. Specifically, the analysis process is :math:`X=Y \operatorname{vec}(x)`, and the synthesis process is :math:`x= \operatorname{unvec}(Y^TX)`. See :func:`main` for examples. Warning: If you want to reconstruct the signal with only some (i.e., not all) bases, do not slice those rows out from :math:`Y` and use only their coefficients. Instead, you should use the full :math:`Y` matrix and set to zero the coefficients for the unused frequency components. See :func:`main` for examples. Args: h (int): Image height. w Returns: numpy.ndarray: Matrix with flattened bases as rows. The :math:`k`-th row, when :func:`numpy.reshape`'ed into ``(h, w)``, is the :math:` (i, j)`-th frequency component, where :math:`k=wi+j`. Of shape ``(h * w, h * w)``. """ dct_mat_h, dct_mat_w = dct_2d_bases(h, w) dct_mat = np.kron(dct_mat_w.T, dct_mat_h) return dct_mat
[docs]def dft_1d_bases(n): """Generates 1D discrete Fourier transform (DFT) bases. Bases are rows of :math:`Y`, which is unitary (:math:`Y^HY=YY^H=I`, where :math:`Y^H` is the conjugate transpose) and symmetric. The forward process (analysis) is :math:`X=Yx`, and the inverse (synthesis) is :math:`x=Y^{-1}X=Y^HX`. See :func:`main` for example usages. Args: n (int): Signal length. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Matrix whose :math:`i`-th row, when dotted with signal (column) vector, gives the coefficient for the :math:`i`-th Fourier component. Of shape ``(n, n)``. """ col_ind, row_ind = np.meshgrid(range(n), range(n)) omega = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j / n) wmat = np.power(omega, col_ind * row_ind) / np.sqrt(n) # Normalize so that unitary return wmat
[docs]def dft_2d_freq(h, w): """Gets 2D discrete Fourier transform (DFT) sample frequencies. Args: h (int): Image height. w Returns: tuple: - **freq_h** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Sample frequencies, in cycles per pixel, along the height dimension. E.g., if ``freq_h[i, j] == 0.5``, then the ``(i, j)``-th component repeats every 2 pixels along the height dimension. - **freq_w** """ freq_h = np.fft.fftfreq(h) freq_w = np.fft.fftfreq(w) freq_h, freq_w = np.meshgrid(freq_h, freq_w, indexing='ij') return freq_h, freq_w
[docs]def dft_2d_bases(h, w): r"""Generates bases for 2D discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Bases are given in two matrices :math:`Y_h` and :math:`Y_w`. See :func:`dft_1d_bases` for their properties. Note that :math:`Y_w` has already been transposed. Input image :math:`x` should be transformed by both matrices (i.e., along both dimensions). Specifically, the analysis process is :math:`X=Y_hxY_w`, and the synthesis process is :math:`x=Y_h^HXY_w^H`. See :func:`main` for example usages and how this produces the same results as :func:`numpy.fft.fft2` (with ``norm='ortho'``). See Also: From :mod:`numpy.fft` -- ``A[1:n/2]`` contains the positive-frequency terms, and ``A[n/2+1:]`` contains the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency. For an even number of input points, ``A[n/2]`` represents both positive and negative Nyquist frequency, and is also purely real for real input. For an odd number of input points, ``A[(n-1)/2]`` contains the largest positive frequency, while ``A[(n+1)/2]`` contains the largest negative frequency. Args: h (int): Image height. w Returns: tuple: - **dft_mat_h** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- DFT matrix :math:`Y_h` transforming rows of the 2D signal. Of shape ``(h, h)``. - **dft_mat_w** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- :math:`Y_w` transforming columns. Of shape ``(w, w)``. """ dft_mat_h = dft_1d_bases(h) dft_mat_w = dft_1d_bases(w).T # shouldn't matter, as it's symmetric return dft_mat_h, dft_mat_w
[docs]def dft_2d_bases_vec(h, w): r"""Generates bases stored in a single matrix, along whose height 2D frequencies get raveled. Using the "vectorization + Kronecker product" trick: :math:`\operatorname{vec}(Y_hxY_w)=\left(Y_w^T\otimes Y_h\right) \operatorname{vec}(x)`. So unlike :func:`dft_2d_bases`, this function generates a single matrix :math:`Y=Y_w^T\otimes Y_h`, whose :math:`k`-th row is the flattened :math:`(i, j)`-th basis, where :math:`k=wi+j`. Input image :math:`x` can be transformed with a single matrix multiplication. Specifically, the analysis process is :math:`X=Y\operatorname{vec}(x)`, and the synthesis process is :math:`x=\operatorname{unvec}(Y^HX)`. See :func:`main` for examples. Args: h (int): Image height. w Returns: numpy.ndarray: Complex matrix with flattened bases as rows. The :math:`k`-th row, when :func:`numpy.reshape`'ed into ``(h, w)``, is the :math:`(i, j)`-th frequency component, where :math:`k=wi+j`. Of shape ``(h * w, h * w)``. """ dft_mat_h, dft_mat_w = dft_2d_bases(h, w) dft_mat = np.kron(dft_mat_w.T, dft_mat_h) return dft_mat
[docs]def sh_bases_real(l, n_lat, coord_convention='colatitude-azimuth', _check_orthonormality=False): r"""Generates real spherical harmonics (SHs). See :func:`main` for example usages, including how to do both analysis and synthesis the SHs. Not accurate when ``n_lat`` is too small. E.g., orthonormality no longer holds when discretization is too coarse (small ``n_lat``), as numerical integration fails to approximate the continuous integration. Args: l (int): Up to which band (starting form 0). The number of harmonics is :math:`(l+1)^2`. In other words, all harmonics within each band (:math:`-l\leq m\leq l`) are used. n_lat (int): Number of discretization levels of colatitude (for colatitude-azimuth convention; :math:`[0, \pi]`) or latitude (for latitude-longitude convention; :math:`[-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]`). With the same step size, ``n_azimuth`` will be twice as big, since azimuth (in colatitude-azimuth convention; :math:`[0, 2\pi]`) or latitude (in latitude-longitude convention; :math:`[-\pi, \pi]`) spans :math:`2\pi`. coord_convention (str, optional): Coordinate system convention to use: ``'colatitude-azimuth'`` or ``'latitude-longitude'``. Colatitude-azimuth vs. latitude-longitude convention: .. code-block:: none 3D ^ z (colat = 0; lat = pi/2) | (azi = 3pi/2; | lng = -pi/2) ---------+---------> y (azi = pi/2; ,'| lng = pi/2) ,' | (colat = pi/2, azi = 0; x | (colat = pi; lat = -pi/2) lat = 0, lng = 0) 2D (0, 0) (pi/2, 0) +-----------> (0, 2pi) ^ lat | azi | | | | (0, -pi) -------+-------> (0, pi) v colat | lng (pi, 0) | (-pi/2, 0) _check_orthonormality (bool, optional, internal): Whether to check orthonormal or not. Returns: tuple: - **ymat** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Matrix whose rows are spherical harmonics as generated by :func:`scipy.special.sph_harm`. When dotted with flattened image (column) vector weighted by ``areas_on_unit_sphere``, the :math:`i`-th row gives the coefficient for the :math:`i`-th harmonics, where :math:`i=l(l+1)+m`. The input signal (in the form of 2D image indexed by two angles) should be flattened with :meth:`numpy.ndarray.ravel`, in row-major order: the row index varies the slowest, and the column index the quickest. Of shape ``((l + 1) ** 2, 2 * n_lat ** 2)``. - **areas_on_unit_sphere** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Area of the unit sphere covered by each sample point. This is proportional to sine of colatitude and has nothing to do with azimuth/longitude. Used as weights for discrete summation to approximate continuous integration. Necessary in SH analysis. Flattened also in row-major order. Of length ``n_lat * (2 * n_lat)``. """ from scipy.special import sph_harm # Generate the l and m values for each matrix location l_mat = np.zeros(((l + 1) ** 2, n_lat * 2 * n_lat)) m_mat = np.zeros(l_mat.shape) i = 0 for curr_l in range(l + 1): for curr_m in range(-curr_l, curr_l + 1): l_mat[i, :] = curr_l * np.ones(l_mat.shape[1]) m_mat[i, :] = curr_m * np.ones(l_mat.shape[1]) i += 1 # Generate the two angles for each matrix location if coord_convention == 'colatitude-azimuth': azis, colats = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=2 * n_lat, endpoint=False), np.linspace(0, np.pi, num=n_lat, endpoint=True)) elif coord_convention == 'latitude-longitude': lngs, lats = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, num=2 * n_lat, endpoint=False), np.linspace(np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, num=n_lat, endpoint=True)) colats = np.pi / 2 - lats azis = lngs azis[azis < 0] += 2 * np.pi else: raise NotImplementedError(coord_convention) # Evaluate (complex) SH at these locations colat_mat = np.tile(colats.ravel(), (l_mat.shape[0], 1)) azi_mat = np.tile(azis.ravel(), (l_mat.shape[0], 1)) ymat_complex = sph_harm(m_mat, l_mat, azi_mat, colat_mat) sin_colat = np.sin(colats.ravel()) # Area on the unit sphere covered by each sample point, proportional to # sin(colat). Used as weights for discrete summation, approximating # continuous integration areas_on_unit_sphere = 4 * np.pi * sin_colat / np.sum(sin_colat) # Verify orthonormality of SHs if _check_orthonormality: print("Verifying Orthonormality of Complex SH Bases") print("(l1, m1) and (l2, m2):\treal\timag") for l1 in range(l + 1): for m1 in range(-l1, l1 + 1, 1): i1 = l1 * (l1 + 1) + m1 y1 = ymat_complex[i1, :] for l2 in range(l + 1): for m2 in range(-l2, l2 + 1, 1): i2 = l2 * (l2 + 1) + m2 y2 = ymat_complex[i2, :] integral = np.conj(y1).dot( np.multiply(areas_on_unit_sphere, y2)) integral_real = np.real(integral) integral_imag = np.imag(integral) if np.isclose(integral_real, 0): integral_real = 0 if np.isclose(integral_imag, 0): integral_imag = 0 print("(%d, %d) and (%d, %d):\t%f\t%f" % (l1, m1, l2, m2, integral_real, integral_imag)) # Derive real SH's ymat_complex_real = np.real(ymat_complex) ymat_complex_imag = np.imag(ymat_complex) ymat = np.zeros(ymat_complex_real.shape) ind = m_mat > 0 ymat[ind] = (-1) ** m_mat[ind] * np.sqrt(2) * ymat_complex_real[ind] ind = m_mat == 0 ymat[ind] = ymat_complex_real[ind] ind = m_mat < 0 ymat[ind] = (-1) ** m_mat[ind] * np.sqrt(2) * ymat_complex_imag[ind] if _check_orthonormality: print("Verifying Orthonormality of Real SH Bases") print("(l1, m1) and (l2, m2):\tvalue") for l1 in range(l + 1): for m1 in range(-l1, l1 + 1, 1): i1 = l1 * (l1 + 1) + m1 y1 = ymat[i1, :] for l2 in range(l + 1): for m2 in range(-l2, l2 + 1, 1): i2 = l2 * (l2 + 1) + m2 y2 = ymat[i2, :] integral = np.multiply(areas_on_unit_sphere, y2)) if np.isclose(integral, 0): integral = 0 print("(%d, %d) and (%d, %d):\t%f" % (l1, m1, l2, m2, integral)) return ymat, areas_on_unit_sphere
[docs]def main(test_id): """Unit tests that can also serve as example usage.""" if test_id == 'pca': pts = np.random.rand(5, 8) # 8 points in 5D # Find all principal components n_pcs = pts.shape[0] - 1 _, pcs, projs, data_mean = pca(pts, n_pcs=n_pcs) # Reconstruct data with only the top two PC's k = 2 pts_recon = pcs[:, :k].dot(projs[:k, :]) + \ np.tile(data_mean, (projs.shape[1], 1)).T print("Recon:") print(pts_recon) elif test_id == 'dct_1d_bases': from scipy.fftpack import dct from . import linalg signal = np.random.randint(0, 255, 8) n = len(signal) # Transform by my matrix dct_mat = dct_1d_bases(n) assert linalg.is_identity(, eps=1e-10) coeffs = recon = print("Max. difference between original and recon.: %e" % np.abs(signal - recon).max()) # Transform by SciPy coeffs_sp = dct(signal, norm='ortho') print("Max. magnitude difference: %e" % np.abs(coeffs - coeffs_sp).max()) elif test_id == 'dct_cameraman': from os.path import join from copy import deepcopy from scipy.fftpack import dct, idct from . import const, os as xm_os from .vis.matrix import matrix_as_heatmap, matrix_as_heatmap_complex cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) outdir = join(const.Dir.tmp, test_id) xm_os.makedirs(outdir, rm_if_exists=True) im = cv2.imread(const.Path.cameraman, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # TODO: switch to im = cv2.resize(im, (64, 64)) cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'orig.png'), im) # TODO: switch to # Transform by my DCT (2-step) dct_mat_h, dct_mat_w = dct_2d_bases(*im.shape) coeffs_2step = recon_2step = cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_2step.png'), recon_2step) # TODO: switch to print("(Ours 2-Step Full Recon. vs. Orig.) Max. difference: %e" % np.abs(im - recon_2step).max()) # Transform by my DCT (1-step) dct_mat = dct_2d_bases_vec(*im.shape) coeffs_1step = recon_1step = cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_1step.png'), recon_1step.reshape(im.shape)) # TODO: switch to print("(Ours 1-Step Full Recon. vs. Orig.) Max. difference: %e" % np.abs(im - recon_1step.reshape(im.shape)).max()) # for i in range(dct_mat.shape[0]): # xm_vis.matrix_as_image( # dct_mat[i, :].reshape(im.shape), outpath=join(outdir, 'basis%06d.png' % i)) coeffs_1step_quarter = deepcopy(coeffs_1step).reshape( coeffs_2step.shape) coeffs_1step_quarter[(coeffs_1step_quarter.shape[0] // 2):, (coeffs_1step_quarter.shape[1] // 2):] = 0 coeffs_1step_quarter = coeffs_1step_quarter.ravel() recon_1step_quarter = cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_1step_quarter.png'), recon_1step_quarter.reshape(im.shape)) # TODO: switch to # Transform by SciPy coeffs_sp = dct( dct(im.T, type=2, norm='ortho').T, type=2, norm='ortho') matrix_as_heatmap( coeffs_2step - coeffs_sp, outpath=join(outdir, '2step-sp.png')) matrix_as_heatmap( coeffs_1step.reshape(coeffs_sp.shape) - coeffs_sp, outpath=join(outdir, '1step-sp.png')) coeffs_sp_quarter = deepcopy(coeffs_sp) coeffs_sp_quarter[(coeffs_sp.shape[0] // 2):, (coeffs_sp.shape[1] // 2):] = 0 recon_sp = idct( idct(coeffs_sp, type=2, norm='ortho').T, type=2, norm='ortho').T recon_sp_quarter = idct( idct(coeffs_sp_quarter, type=2, norm='ortho').T, type=2, norm='ortho').T cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_scipy.png'), recon_sp) # TODO: switch to cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_scipy_quarter.png'), recon_sp_quarter) # TODO: switch to print("(Ours 1-Step Quarter Recon. vs. SciPy) Max. difference: %e" % np.abs(recon_sp_quarter.ravel() - recon_1step_quarter).max()) elif test_id == 'dft_1d_bases': signal = np.random.randint(0, 255, 10) n = len(signal) # Transform by my matrix dft_mat = dft_1d_bases(n) coeffs = # Transform by NumPy coeffs_np = np.fft.fft(signal, norm='ortho') print("Max. magnitude difference: %e" % np.abs(coeffs - coeffs_np).max()) elif test_id == 'dft_2d_freq': h, w = 4, 8 freq_h, freq_w = dft_2d_freq(h, w) print("Along height:") print(freq_h) print("Along width:") print(freq_w) elif test_id == 'dft_cameraman': from os.path import join from . import os as xm_os from .vis.matrix import matrix_as_heatmap_complex cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) outdir = join(const.Dir.tmp, test_id) xm_os.makedirs(outdir, rm_if_exists=True) im = cv2.imread(const.Path.cameraman, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # TODO: switch to im = cv2.resize(im, (64, 64)) cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'orig.png'), im) # TODO: switch to # My two-step DFT dft_h_mat, dft_w_mat = dft_2d_bases(*im.shape) coeffs_2step = recon_2step = dft_h_mat.conj() coeffs_2step).dot(dft_w_mat.conj().T) assert np.allclose(np.imag(recon_2step), 0) recon_2step = np.real(recon_2step) cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_2step.png'), recon_2step.astype(im.dtype)) # TODO: switch to # NumPy DFT coeffs_np = np.fft.fft2(im, norm='ortho') recon_np = np.fft.ifft2(coeffs_np, norm='ortho') assert np.allclose(np.imag(recon_np), 0) recon_np = np.real(recon_np) cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_np.png'), recon_np.astype(im.dtype)) # TODO: switch to # My one-step DFT dft_mat = dft_2d_bases_vec(*im.shape) coeffs_1step = recon_1step = dft_mat.conj() assert np.allclose(np.imag(recon_1step), 0) recon_1step = np.real(recon_1step) cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, 'recon_1step.png'), recon_1step.astype(im.dtype)) # TODO: switch to # Compare coefficients matrix_as_heatmap_complex( coeffs_1step.reshape(im.shape) - coeffs_np, outpath=join(outdir, '1step-np.png')) matrix_as_heatmap_complex( coeffs_2step - coeffs_1step.reshape(im.shape), outpath=join(outdir, '2step-1step.png')) matrix_as_heatmap_complex( coeffs_2step - coeffs_np, outpath=join(outdir, '2step-np.png')) # Quant. print("(NumPy vs. Ours Two-Step)\tRecon.\tMax. mag. diff.:\t%e" % np.abs(recon_2step - recon_np).max()) print("(NumPy vs. Ours One-Step)\tRecon.\tMax. mag. diff.:\t%e" % np.abs(recon_1step - recon_np).max()) elif test_id == 'sh_bases_real': from os.path import join from .vis.matrix import matrix_as_heatmap ls = [1, 2, 3, 4] n_steps_theta = 64 for l in ls: print("l = %d" % l) # Generata harmonics ymat, weights = sh_bases_real( l, n_steps_theta, _check_orthonormality=False) # Black background with white signal coeffs_gt = np.random.random(ymat.shape[0]) sph_func_1d = None for ci, c in enumerate(coeffs_gt): y_lm = ymat[ci, :] if sph_func_1d is None: sph_func_1d = c * y_lm else: sph_func_1d += c * y_lm sph_func = sph_func_1d.reshape((n_steps_theta, 2 * n_steps_theta)) sph_func_ravel = sph_func.ravel() assert (sph_func_1d == sph_func_ravel).all() tmp_dir = const.Dir.tmp matrix_as_heatmap(sph_func, outpath=join(tmp_dir, 'sph_orig.png')) # Analysis coeffs =, sph_func_ravel)) print("\tGT") print(coeffs_gt) print("\tRecon") print(coeffs) # Synthesis sph_func_1d_recon = sph_func_recon = sph_func_1d_recon.reshape(sph_func.shape) print("Max. magnitude difference: %e" % np.abs(sph_func_1d - sph_func_1d_recon).max()) matrix_as_heatmap(sph_func_recon, outpath=join( tmp_dir, 'sph_recon_l%03d.png' % l)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unit tests for %s" % test_id)
if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('test_id', type=str, help="function to test") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.test_id)