Source code for

# pylint: disable=len-as-condition

from os.path import basename, dirname, join
from shutil import copy
import numpy as np

from .. import os as xm_os
from ..imprt import preset_import

from ..log import get_logger
logger = get_logger()

[docs]class Obj: """Wavefront .obj Object. Face, vertex, or other indices here all start from 1. Attributes: o (str) v (numpy.ndarray) f (list) vn (numpy.ndarray) fn (list) vt (numpy.ndarray) ft (list) s (bool) mtllib (str) usemtl (str) diffuse_map_path (str) diffuse_map_scale (float) """
[docs] def __init__( self, o=None, v=None, f=None, vn=None, fn=None, vt=None, ft=None, s=False, mtllib=None, usemtl=None, diffuse_map_path=None, diffuse_map_scale=1): """ Args: o (str, optional): Object name. v (numpy.ndarray, optional): Vertex coordinates. f (list, optional): Faces' vertex indices (1-indexed), e.g., ``[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10], ...]``. vn (numpy.ndarray, optional): Vertex normals of shape N-by-3, normalized or not. fn (list, optional): Faces' vertex normal indices, e.g., ``[[1, 1, 1], [], [2, 2, 2, 2], ...]``. Must be of the same length as ``f``. vt (numpy.ndarray, optional): Vertex texture coordinates of shape N-by-2. Coordinates must be normalized to :math:`[0, 1]`. ft (list, optional): Faces' texture vertex indices, e.g., ``[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [], ...]``. Must be of the same length as ``f``. s (bool, optional): Group smoothing. mtllib (str, optional): Material file name, e.g., ``'cube.mtl'``. usemtl (str, optional): Material name (defined in .mtl file). diffuse_map_path (str, optional): Path to diffuse texture map. diffuse_map_scale (float, optional): Scale of diffuse texture map. """ self.mtllib = mtllib self.o = o # Vertices if v is not None: assert (len(v.shape) == 2 and v.shape[1] == 3), "'v' must be *-by-3" if vt is not None: assert (len(vt.shape) == 2 and vt.shape[1] == 2), \ "'vt' must be *-by-2" if vn is not None: assert (len(vn.shape) == 2 and vn.shape[1] == 3), \ "'vn' must be *-by-3" self.v = v self.vt = vt = vn # Faces if f is not None: if ft is not None: assert (len(ft) == len(f)), \ "'ft' must be of the same length as 'f' (use '[]' to fill)" if fn is not None: assert (len(fn) == len(f)), \ "'fn' must be of the same length as 'f' (use '[]' to fill)" self.f = f self.ft = ft self.fn = fn self.usemtl = usemtl self.s = s self.diffuse_map_path = diffuse_map_path self.diffuse_map_scale = diffuse_map_scale
[docs] def load_file(self, obj_file): """Loads a (basic) .obj file as an object. Populates attributes with contents read from file. Args: obj_file (str): Path to .obj file. """ fid = open(obj_file, 'r') lines = [l.strip('\n') for l in fid.readlines()] lines = [l for l in lines if len(l) > 0] # remove empty lines # Check if there's only one object n_o = len([l for l in lines if l[0] == 'o']) if n_o > 1: raise ValueError(( ".obj file containing multiple objects is not supported " "-- consider using ``assimp`` instead")) # Count for array initializations n_v = len([l for l in lines if l[:2] == 'v ']) n_vt = len([l for l in lines if l[:3] == 'vt ']) n_vn = len([l for l in lines if l[:3] == 'vn ']) lines_f = [l for l in lines if l[:2] == 'f '] n_f = len(lines_f) # Initialize arrays mtllib = None o = None v = np.zeros((n_v, 3)) vt = np.zeros((n_vt, 2)) vn = np.zeros((n_vn, 3)) usemtl = None s = False f = [None] * n_f # If there's no 'ft' or 'fn' for a 'f', a '[]' is inserted as a # placeholder. This guarantees 'f[i]' always corresponds to 'ft[i]' # and 'fn[i]' ft = [None] * n_f fn = [None] * n_f # Load data line by line n_ft, n_fn = 0, 0 i_v, i_vt, i_vn, i_f = 0, 0, 0, 0 for l in lines: if l[0] == '#': # comment pass elif l[:7] == 'mtllib ': # mtl file mtllib = l[7:] elif l[:2] == 'o ': # object name o = l[2:] elif l[:2] == 'v ': # geometric vertex v[i_v, :] = [float(x) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] i_v += 1 elif l[:3] == 'vt ': # texture vertex vt[i_vt, :] = [float(x) for x in l[3:].split(' ')] i_vt += 1 elif l[:3] == 'vn ': # normal vector vn[i_vn, :] = [float(x) for x in l[3:].split(' ')] i_vn += 1 elif l[:7] == 'usemtl ': # material name usemtl = l[7:] elif l[:2] == 's ': # group smoothing if l[2:] == 'on': s = True elif l[:2] == 'f ': # face n_slashes = l[2:].split(' ')[0].count('/') if n_slashes == 0: # just f (1 2 3) f[i_f] = [int(x) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] ft[i_f] = [] fn[i_f] = [] elif n_slashes == 1: # f and ft (1/1 2/2 3/3) f[i_f] = [int(x.split('/')[0]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] ft[i_f] = [int(x.split('/')[1]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] fn[i_f] = [] n_ft += 1 elif n_slashes == 2: if l[2:].split(' ')[0].count('//') == 1: # f and fn (1//1 2//1 3//1) f[i_f] = [ int(x.split('//')[0]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] ft[i_f] = [] fn[i_f] = [ int(x.split('//')[1]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] n_fn += 1 else: # f, ft and fn (1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1) f[i_f] = [ int(x.split('/')[0]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] ft[i_f] = [ int(x.split('/')[1]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] fn[i_f] = [ int(x.split('/')[2]) for x in l[2:].split(' ')] n_ft += 1 n_fn += 1 i_f += 1 else: raise ValueError("Unidentified line type: %s" % l) # Update self self.mtllib = mtllib self.o = o self.v = v self.vt = vt if vt.shape[0] > 0 else None = vn if vn.shape[0] > 0 else None self.f = f self.ft = ft if any(ft) else None # any member list not empty self.fn = fn if any(fn) else None self.usemtl = usemtl self.s = s
# Print model info
[docs] def print_info(self): # Basic stats mtllib = self.mtllib o = self.o n_v = self.v.shape[0] if self.v is not None else 0 n_vt = self.vt.shape[0] if self.vt is not None else 0 n_vn =[0] if is not None else 0 usemtl = self.usemtl s = self.s diffuse_map_path = self.diffuse_map_path diffuse_map_scale = self.diffuse_map_scale n_f = len(self.f) if self.f is not None else 0 if self.ft is not None: n_ft = sum(len(x) > 0 for x in self.ft) else: n_ft = 0 if self.fn is not None: n_fn = sum(len(x) > 0 for x in self.fn) else: n_fn = 0"-------------------------------------------------------")"Object name 'o' %s", o)"Material file 'mtllib' %s", mtllib)"Material 'usemtl' %s", usemtl)"Diffuse texture map 'map_Kd' %s", diffuse_map_path)"Diffuse map scale %f", diffuse_map_scale)"Group smoothing 's' %r", s)"# geometric vertices 'v' %d", n_v)"# texture vertices 'vt' %d", n_vt)"# normal vectors 'vn' %d", n_vn)"# geometric faces 'f x/o/o' %d", n_f)"# texture faces 'f o/x/o' %d", n_ft)"# normal faces 'f o/o/x' %d", n_fn) # How many triangles, quads, etc. if n_f > 0:"")"Among %d faces:", n_f) vert_counts = [len(x) for x in self.f] for c in np.unique(vert_counts): howmany = vert_counts.count(c)" - %d are formed by %d vertices", howmany, c)"-------------------------------------------------------")
# Set vn and fn according to v and f
[docs] def set_face_normals(self): """Sets face normals according to geometric vertices and their orders in forming faces. Returns: tuple: - **vn** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Normal vectors. - **fn** (*list*) -- Normal faces. Each member list consists of the same integer, e.g., ``[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2], ...]``. """ n_f = len(self.f) vn = np.zeros((n_f, 3)) fn = [None] * n_f # For each face for i, verts_id in enumerate(self.f): # Vertices must be coplanar to be valid, so we can just pick the # first three ind = [x - 1 for x in verts_id[:3]] # in .obj, index starts from 1, # not 0 verts = self.v[ind, :] p1p2 = verts[1, :] - verts[0, :] p1p3 = verts[2, :] - verts[0, :] normal = np.cross(p1p2, p1p3) if np.linalg.norm(normal) == 0: raise ValueError(( "Normal vector of zero length probably due to numerical " "issues?")) vn[i, :] = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) # normalize fn[i] = [i + 1] * len(verts_id) # Set normals and return = vn self.fn = fn "Face normals recalculated with 'v' and 'f' -- 'vn' and 'fn' " "updated")) return vn, fn
# Output object to file
[docs] def write_file(self, objpath): """Writes the current model to a .obj file. Args: objpath (str): Path to the output .obj. Writes - Output .obj file. """ mtllib = self.mtllib o = self.o v, vt, vn = self.v, self.vt, usemtl = self.usemtl s = self.s f, ft, fn = self.f, self.ft, self.fn # mkdir if necessary outdir = dirname(objpath) xm_os.makedirs(outdir) # Write .obj with open(objpath, 'w') as fid: # Material file if mtllib is not None: fid.write('mtllib %s\n' % mtllib) # Object name fid.write('o %s\n' % o) # Vertices for i in range(v.shape[0]): fid.write('v %f %f %f\n' % tuple(v[i, :])) if vt is not None: for i in range(vt.shape[0]): fid.write('vt %f %f\n' % tuple(vt[i, :])) if vn is not None: for i in range(vn.shape[0]): fid.write('vn %f %f %f\n' % tuple(vn[i, :])) # Material name if usemtl is not None: fid.write('usemtl %s\n' % usemtl) # Group smoothing if s: fid.write('s on\n') else: fid.write('s off\n') # Faces if ft is None and fn is None: # just f (1 2 3) for v_id in f: fid.write(('f' + ' %d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple(v_id)) elif ft is not None and fn is None: # f and ft (1/1 2/2 3/3 or 1 2 3) for i, v_id in enumerate(f): vt_id = ft[i] if len(vt_id) == len(v_id): fid.write(( 'f' + ' %d/%d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple( [x for pair in zip(v_id, vt_id) for x in pair])) elif not vt_id: fid.write( ('f' + ' %d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple(v_id)) else: raise ValueError(( "'ft[%d]', not empty, doesn't match length of " "'f[%d]'") % (i, i)) elif ft is None and fn is not None: # f and fn (1//1 2//1 3//1 or 1 2 3) for i, v_id in enumerate(f): vn_id = fn[i] if len(vn_id) == len(v_id): fid.write(( 'f' + ' %d//%d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple( [x for pair in zip(v_id, vn_id) for x in pair])) elif not vn_id: fid.write( ('f' + ' %d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple(v_id)) else: raise ValueError(( "'fn[%d]', not empty, doesn't match length of " "'f[%d]'") % (i, i)) elif ft is not None and fn is not None: # f, ft and fn (1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1 or 1/1 2/2 3/3 or # 1//1 2//1 3//1 or 1 2 3) for i, v_id in enumerate(f): vt_id = ft[i] vn_id = fn[i] if len(vt_id) == len(v_id) and len(vn_id) == len(v_id): fid.write(( 'f' + ' %d/%d/%d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple( [x for triple in zip(v_id, vt_id, vn_id) for x in triple])) elif len(vt_id) == len(v_id) and not vn_id: fid.write(( 'f' + ' %d/%d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple( [x for pair in zip(v_id, vt_id) for x in pair])) elif not vt_id and len(vn_id) == len(v_id): fid.write(( 'f' + ' %d//%d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple( [x for pair in zip(v_id, vn_id) for x in pair])) elif not vt_id and not vn_id: fid.write( ('f' + ' %d' * len(v_id) + '\n') % tuple(v_id)) else: raise ValueError(( "If not empty, 'ft[%d]' or 'fn[%d]' doesn't match " "length of 'f[%d]'") % (i, i, i))"Done writing to %s", objpath)
[docs]class Mtl: r"""Wavefront .mtl object. Attributes: mtlfile (str): Material file name, set to ``obj.mtllib``. newmtl (str): Material name, set to ``obj.usemtl``. map_Kd_path (str): Path to the diffuse map, set to ``obj.diffuse_map_path``. map_Kd_scale (float): Scale of the diffuse map, set to ``obj.diffuse_map_scale``. Ns (float) Ka (tuple) Kd (tuple) Ks (tuple) Ni (float) d (float) illum (int) """
[docs] def __init__( self, obj, Ns=96.078431, Ka=(1, 1, 1), Kd=(0.64, 0.64, 0.64), Ks=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), Ni=1, d=1, illum=2): r""" Args: obj (Obj): ``Obj`` object for which this ``Mtl`` object is created. Ns (float, optional): Specular exponent, normally :math:`\in[0, 1000]`. Ka (tuple, optional): Ambient reflectivity, each float normally :math:`\in[0, 1]`. Values outside increase or decrease relectivity accordingly. Kd (tuple, optional): Diffuse reflectivity. Same range as ``Ka``. Ks (tuple, optional): Specular reflectivity. Same range as ``Ka``. Ni (float, optional): Optical density, a.k.a. index of refraction :math:`\in[0.001, 10]`. 1 means light doesn't bend as it passes through. Increasing it increases the amount of bending. Glass has an index of refraction of about 1.5. Values of less than 1.0 produce bizarre results and are not recommended. d (float, optional): Amount this material dissolves into the background :math:`\in[0, 1]`. 1.0 is fully opaque (default), and 0 is fully dissolved (completely transparent). Unlike a real transparent material, the dissolve does not depend upon material thickness, nor does it have any spectral character. Dissolve works on all illumination models. illum (int, optional): Illumination model :math:`\in[0, 1, ..., 10]`. """ self.mtlfile = obj.mtllib self.newmtl = obj.usemtl self.map_Kd_path = obj.diffuse_map_path self.map_Kd_scale = obj.diffuse_map_scale self.Ns = Ns self.Ka = Ka self.Kd = Kd self.Ks = Ks self.Ni = Ni self.d = d self.illum = illum
[docs] def print_info(self):"---------------------------------------------------------")"Material file %s", self.mtlfile)"Material name 'newmtl' %s", self.newmtl)"Diffuse texture map 'map_Kd' %s", self.map_Kd_path)"Diffuse map scale %f", self.map_Kd_scale)"Specular exponent 'Ns' %f", self.Ns)"Ambient reflectivity 'Ka' %s", self.Ka)"Diffuse reflectivity 'Kd' %s", self.Kd)"Specular reflectivity 'Ks' %s", self.Ks)"Refraction index 'Ni' %s", self.Ni)"Dissolve 'd' %f", self.d)"Illumination model 'illum' %d", self.illum)"---------------------------------------------------------")
[docs] def write_file(self, outdir): """Unit tests that can also serve as example usage. Args: outdir (str): Output directory. Writes - Output .mtl file. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) # Validate inputs assert (self.mtlfile is not None and self.newmtl is not None), \ "'mtlfile' and 'newmtl' must not be 'None'" # mkdir if necessary xm_os.makedirs(outdir) # Write .mtl mtlpath = join(outdir, self.mtlfile) with open(mtlpath, 'w') as fid: fid.write('newmtl %s\n' % self.newmtl) fid.write('Ns %f\n' % self.Ns) fid.write('Ka %f %f %f\n' % self.Ka) fid.write('Kd %f %f %f\n' % self.Kd) fid.write('Ks %f %f %f\n' % self.Ks) fid.write('Ni %f\n' % self.Ni) fid.write('d %f\n' % self.d) fid.write('illum %d\n' % self.illum) map_Kd_path = self.map_Kd_path map_Kd_scale = self.map_Kd_scale if map_Kd_path is not None: fid.write('map_Kd %s\n' % basename(map_Kd_path)) if map_Kd_scale == 1: copy(map_Kd_path, outdir) else: im = cv2.imread(map_Kd_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # TODO: switch to im = cv2.resize(im, None, fx=map_Kd_scale, fy=map_Kd_scale) # TODO: switch to xm.img cv2.imwrite(join(outdir, basename(map_Kd_path)), im) # TODO: switch to"Done writing to %s", mtlpath)
[docs]def main(): """Unit tests that can also serve as example usage.""" objf = '../../../toy-data/obj-mtl_cube/cube.obj' myobj = Obj() myobj.print_info() myobj.load_file(objf) myobj.print_info() objf_reproduce = objf.replace('.obj', '_reproduce.obj') myobj.write_file(objf_reproduce) myobj.set_face_normals() myobj.print_info()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()