Source code for

from os.path import dirname
import numpy as np

from ..os import open_file, exists_isdir, makedirs

from ..log import get_logger
logger = get_logger()

[docs]def read_or_write(data_f, fallback=None): """Loads the data file if it exists. Otherwise, if fallback is provided, call fallback and save its return to disk. Args: data_f (str): Path to the data file, whose extension will be used for deciding how to load the data. fallback (function, optional): Fallback function used if data file doesn't exist. Its return will be saved to ``data_f`` for future loadings. It should not take arguments, but if yours requires taking arguments, just wrap yours with:: fallback=lambda: your_fancy_func(var0, var1) Returns: Data loaded if ``data_f`` exists; otherwise, ``fallback``'s return (``None`` if no fallback). Writes - Return by the fallback, if provided. """ # Decide data file type ext = data_f.split('.')[-1].lower() def load_func(path): with open_file(path, 'rb') as h: data = np.load(h) if path.endswith('.npz'): data = dict(data) return data def save_func(data, path): if ext == 'npy': save = elif ext == 'npz': save = np.savez else: raise NotImplementedError(ext) with open_file(path, 'wb') as h: save(h, data) # Load or call fallback if exists_isdir(data_f)[0]: data = load_func(data_f) msg = "Loaded:" else: msg = "File doesn't exist " if fallback is None: data = None msg += "(fallback not provided):" else: data = fallback() out_dir = dirname(data_f) makedirs(out_dir) save_func(data, data_f) msg += "(fallback return saved):" msg += "\n\t" + data_f return data