Source code for xiuminglib.img

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np

from .imprt import preset_import

from .log import get_logger
logger = get_logger()

[docs]def normalize_uint(arr): r"""Normalizes the input ``uint`` array such that its ``dtype`` maximum becomes :math:`1`. Args: arr (numpy.ndarray): Input array of type ``uint``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Normalized array of type ``float``. """ if arr.dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16): raise TypeError(arr.dtype) maxv = np.iinfo(arr.dtype).max arr_ = arr.astype(float) arr_ = arr_ / maxv return arr_
[docs]def denormalize_float(arr, uint_type='uint8'): r"""De-normalizes the input ``float`` array such that :math:`1` becomes the target ``uint`` maximum. Args: arr (numpy.ndarray): Input array of type ``float``. uint_type (str, optional): Target ``uint`` type. Returns: numpy.ndarray: De-normalized array of the target type. """ _assert_float_0to1(arr) if uint_type not in ('uint8', 'uint16'): raise TypeError(uint_type) maxv = np.iinfo(uint_type).max arr_ = arr * maxv arr_ = arr_.astype(uint_type) return arr_
[docs]def alpha_blend(arr1, alpha, arr2=None): r"""Alpha-blends two arrays, or masks one array. Args: arr1 (numpy.ndarray): Input array. alpha (numpy.ndarray): Alpha map whose values are :math:`\in [0,1]`. arr2 (numpy.ndarray): Input array. If ``None``, ``arr1`` will be blended with an all-zero array, equivalent to masking ``arr1``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Blended array of type ``float``. """ arr1 = arr1.astype(float) if arr2 is None: arr2 = np.zeros(arr1.shape, dtype=arr1.dtype) if alpha.shape != arr1.shape: if alpha.ndim == 2 and arr1.ndim == 3: alpha = np.dstack([alpha] * arr1.shape[2]) elif alpha.ndim == 3 and alpha.shape[2] == 1 and arr1.ndim == 3: alpha = np.tile(alpha, (1, 1, arr1.shape[2])) else: raise NotImplementedError( "{arr_s} and {alpha_s}".format( alpha_s=alpha.shape, arr_s=arr1.shape)) blend = np.multiply(arr1, alpha) + np.multiply(arr2, 1 - alpha) return blend
[docs]def resize(arr, new_h=None, new_w=None, method='cv2'): """Resizes an image, with the option of maintaining the aspect ratio. Args: arr (numpy.ndarray): Image to binarize. If multiple-channel, each channel is resized independently. new_h (int, optional): Target height. If ``None``, will be calculated according to the target width, assuming the same aspect ratio. new_w (int, optional): Target width. If ``None``, will be calculated according to the target height, assuming the same aspect ratio. method (str, optional): Accepted values: ``'cv2'``, ``'tf'``, and ``'pil'``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Resized image. """ h, w = arr.shape[:2] if new_h is not None and new_w is not None: if int(h / w * new_w) != new_h: logger.warning(( "Aspect ratio changed in resizing: original size is %s; " "new size is %s"), (h, w), (new_h, new_w)) elif new_h is None and new_w is not None: new_h = int(h / w * new_w) elif new_h is not None and new_w is None: new_w = int(w / h * new_h) else: raise ValueError("At least one of new height or width must be given") method = method.lower() if method in ('tf', 'tensorflow'): tf = preset_import('tensorflow', assert_success=True) tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution() tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(arr) tensor_resized = tf.image.resize( tensor, (new_h, new_w), method='bilinear', antialias=True) resized = tensor_resized.numpy() elif method in ('cv', 'cv2', 'opencv'): cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) interp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR if new_h > h else cv2.INTER_AREA resized = cv2.resize(arr, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=interp) elif method in ('pil', 'pillow'): Image = preset_import('Image', assert_success=True) img = Image.fromarray(arr) img = img.resize((new_w, new_h)) resized = np.array(img) else: raise NotImplementedError(method) return resized
[docs]def binarize(im, threshold=None): """Binarizes images. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): Image to binarize. Of any integer type (``uint8``, ``uint16``, etc.). If H-by-W-by-3, will be converted to grayscale and treated as H-by-W. threshold (float, optional): Threshold for binarization. ``None`` means midpoint of the ``dtype``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Binarized image. Of only 0's and 1's. """ im_copy = deepcopy(im) # RGB to grayscale if im_copy.ndim == 3 and im_copy.shape[2] == 3: # h-by-w-by-3 cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) im_copy = cv2.cvtColor(im_copy, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im_copy.ndim == 2: # h-by-w # Compute threshold from data type if threshold is None: maxval = np.iinfo(im_copy.dtype).max threshold = maxval / 2. im_bin = im_copy logicalmap = im_copy > threshold im_bin[logicalmap] = 1 im_bin[np.logical_not(logicalmap)] = 0 else: raise ValueError("'im' is neither h-by-w nor h-by-w-by-3") return im_bin
[docs]def remove_islands(im, min_n_pixels, connectivity=4): """Removes small islands of pixels from a binary image. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): Input binary image. Of only 0's and 1's. min_n_pixels (int): Minimum island size to keep. connectivity (int, optional): Definition of "connected": either 4 or 8. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Output image with small islands removed. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) # Validate inputs assert (len(im.shape) == 2), \ "'im' needs to have exactly two dimensions" assert np.array_equal(np.unique(im), np.array([0, 1])), \ "'im' needs to contain only 0's and 1's" assert connectivity in (4, 8), \ "'connectivity' must be either 4 or 8" # Find islands, big or small nlabels, labelmap, leftx_topy_bbw_bbh_npix, _ = \ cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(im, connectivity) # Figure out background is 0 or 1 bgval = im[labelmap == 0][0] # Set small islands to background value im_clean = im for i in range(1, nlabels): # skip the 0th island -- background island_size = leftx_topy_bbw_bbh_npix[i, -1] if island_size < min_n_pixels: im_clean[labelmap == i] = bgval return im_clean
[docs]def grid_query_img(im, query_x, query_y, method='bilinear'): r"""Grid queries an image via interpolation. If you want to grid query unstructured data, consider :func:`grid_query_unstruct`. This function uses either bilinear interpolation that allows you to break big matrices into patches and work locally, or bivariate spline interpolation that fits a global spline (so memory-intensive) and shows global effects. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): H-by-W or H-by-W-by-C rectangular grid of data. Each of C channels is interpolated independently. query_x (array_like): :math:`x` coordinates of the queried rectangle, e.g., ``np.arange(10)`` for a 10-by-10 grid (hence, this should *not* be generated by :func:`numpy.meshgrid` or similar functions). query_y (array_like): :math:`y` coordinates, following this convention: .. code-block:: none +---------> query_x | | | v query_y method (str, optional): Interpolation method: ``'spline'`` or ``'bilinear'``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Interpolated values at query locations, of shape ``(len(query_y), len(query_x))`` for single-channel input or ``(len(query_y), len(query_x), im.shape[2])`` for multi-channel input. """ from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp2d # Figure out image size and number of channels if im.ndim == 3: h, w, c = im.shape if c == 1: # single dimension im = im[:, :, 0] elif im.ndim == 2: h, w = im.shape c = 1 else: raise ValueError("'im' must have either two or three dimensions") x = np.arange(w) y = np.arange(h) if query_x.min() < 0 or query_x.max() > w - 1 or \ query_y.min() < 0 or query_y.max() > h - 1: logger.warning("Sure you want to query points outside 'im'?") def query(x, y, z, qx, qy, method): if method == 'spline': # TODO: test whether we need to swap x and y spline_obj = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, z) qz = spline_obj(qy, qx, grid=True) elif method == 'bilinear': f = interp2d(x, y, z, kind='linear') qz = f(qx, qy) else: raise NotImplementedError("Other interplation methods") return qz if c == 1: # Single channel z = im"Interpolation (method: %s) started", method) interp_val = query(x, y, z, query_x, query_y, method)"... done") else: # Multiple channels interp_val = np.zeros((len(query_x), len(query_y), c)) for i in range(c): z = im[:, :, i] "Interpolation (method: %s) started for channel %d/%d", method, i + 1, c) interp_val[:, :, i] = query(x, y, z, query_x, query_y, method)"... done") return interp_val
[docs]def grid_query_unstruct(uvs, values, grid_res, method=None): r"""Grid queries unstructured data given by coordinates and their values. If you are looking to grid query structured data, such as an image, check out :func:`grid_query_img`. This function interpolates values on a rectangular grid given some sparse, unstrucured samples. One use case is where you have some UV locations and their associated colors, and you want to "paint the colors" on a UV canvas. Args: uvs (numpy.ndarray): N-by-2 array of UV coordinates where we have values (e.g., colors). See :func:`xiuminglib.blender.object.smart_uv_unwrap` for the UV coordinate convention. values (numpy.ndarray): N-by-M array of M-D values at the N UV locations, or N-array of scalar values at the N UV locations. Channels are interpolated independently. grid_res (array_like): Resolution (height first; then width) of the query grid. method (dict, optional): Dictionary of method-specific parameters. Implemented methods and their default parameters: .. code-block:: python # Default method = { 'func': 'griddata', # Which SciPy function to call. 'func_underlying': 'linear', # Fed to `griddata` as the `method` parameter. 'fill_value': (0,), # black # Will be used to fill in pixels outside the convex hulls # formed by the UV locations, and if `max_l1_interp` is # provided, also the pixels whose interpolation is too much # of a stretch to be trusted. In the context of "canvas # painting," this will be the canvas' base color. 'max_l1_interp': np.inf, # trust/accept all interpolations # Maximum L1 distance, which we can trust in interpolation, # to pixels that have values. Interpolation across a longer # range will not be trusted, and hence will be filled with # `fill_value`. } .. code-block:: python method = { 'func': 'rbf', # Which SciPy function to call. 'func_underlying': 'linear', # Fed to `Rbf` as the `method` parameter. 'smooth': 0, # no smoothing # Fed to `Rbf` as the `smooth` parameter. } Returns: numpy.ndarray: Interpolated values at query locations, of shape ``grid_res`` for single-channel input or ``(grid_res[0], grid_res[1], values.shape[2])`` for multi-channel input. """ if values.ndim == 1: values = values.reshape(-1, 1) assert values.ndim == 2 and values.shape[0] == uvs.shape[0] if method is None: method = {'func': 'griddata'} h, w = grid_res # Generate query coordinates grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, w), np.linspace(0, 1, h)) # +---> x # | # v y grid_u, grid_v = grid_x, 1 - grid_y # ^ v # | # +---> u if method['func'] == 'griddata': from scipy.interpolate import griddata cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) func_underlying = method.get('func_underlying', 'linear') fill_value = method.get('fill_value', (0,)) max_l1_interp = method.get('max_l1_interp', np.inf) fill_value = np.array(fill_value) if len(fill_value) == 1: fill_value = np.tile(fill_value, values.shape[1]) assert len(fill_value) == values.shape[1] if max_l1_interp is None: max_l1_interp = np.inf # trust everything # Figure out which pixels can be trusted has_value = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) ri = ((1 - uvs[:, 1]) * (h - 1)).astype(int).ravel() ci = (uvs[:, 0] * (w - 1)).astype(int).ravel() in_canvas = np.logical_and.reduce( (ri >= 0, ri < h, ci >= 0, ci < w)) # to ignore out-of-canvas points has_value[ri[in_canvas], ci[in_canvas]] = 1 dist2val = cv2.distanceTransform(1 - has_value, cv2.DIST_L1, 3) trusted = dist2val <= max_l1_interp # Process each color channel separately interps = [] for ch_i in range(values.shape[1]): v_fill = fill_value[ch_i] v = values[:, ch_i] interp = griddata(uvs, v, (grid_u, grid_v), method=func_underlying, fill_value=v_fill) interp[~trusted] = v_fill interps.append(interp) interps = np.dstack(interps) elif method['func'] == 'rbf': from scipy.interpolate import Rbf func_underlying = method.get('func_underlying', 'linear') smooth = method.get('smooth', 0) # Process each color channel separately interps = [] for ch_i in range(values.shape[1]): v = values[:, ch_i] rbfi = Rbf(uvs[:, 0], uvs[:, 1], v, function=func_underlying, smooth=smooth) interp = rbfi(grid_u, grid_v) interps.append(interp) interps = np.dstack(interps) else: raise NotImplementedError(method['func']) if interps.shape[2] == 1: return interps[:, :, 0].squeeze() return interps
[docs]def find_local_extrema(im, want_maxima, kernel_size=3): """Finds local maxima or minima in an image. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): H-by-W if single-channel (e.g., grayscale) or H-by-W-by-C for multi-channel (e.g., RGB) images. Extrema are found independently for each of the C channels. want_maxima (bool): Whether maxima or minima are wanted. kernel_size (int, optional): Side length of the square window under consideration. Must be larger than 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Binary map indicating if each pixel is a local extremum. """ from scipy.ndimage.filters import minimum_filter, maximum_filter logger.error("find_local_extrema() not tested yet!") # Figure out image size and number of channels if im.ndim == 3: h, w, c = im.shape expanded = False elif im.ndim == 2: h, w = im.shape c = 1 im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=2) # adds singleton dimension expanded = True else: raise ValueError("'im' must have either two or three dimensions") kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size)).astype(bool) is_extremum = np.zeros((h, w, c), dtype=bool) for i in range(c): z = im[:, :, i] if want_maxima: equals_extremum = maximum_filter(z, footprint=kernel) == z else: equals_extremum = minimum_filter(z, footprint=kernel) == z is_extremum[:, :, i] = equals_extremum if expanded: is_extremum = is_extremum[:, :, 0] return is_extremum
[docs]def compute_gradients(im): """Computes magnitudes and orientations of image gradients. With Scharr operators: .. code-block:: none [ 3 0 -3 ] [ 3 10 3] [10 0 -10] and [ 0 0 0] [ 3 0 -3 ] [-3 -10 -3] Args: im (numpy.ndarray): H-by-W if single-channel (e.g., grayscale) or H-by-W-by-C if multi-channel (e.g., RGB) images. Gradients are computed independently for each of the C channels. Returns: tuple: - **grad_mag** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Magnitude image of the gradients. - **grad_orient** (*numpy.ndarray*) -- Orientation image of the gradients (in radians). .. code-block:: none y ^ pi/2 | pi | --------+--------> 0 -pi | x | -pi/2 """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) # Figure out image size and number of channels if im.ndim == 3: h, w, c = im.shape expanded = False elif im.ndim == 2: h, w = im.shape c = 1 im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=2) # adds singleton dimension expanded = True else: raise ValueError("'im' must have either two or three dimensions") grad_mag = np.zeros((h, w, c)) grad_orient = np.zeros((h, w, c)) for i in range(c): z = im[:, :, i] ddepth = -1 # same depth as the source # Along horizontal direction xorder, yorder = 1, 0 grad_h = cv2.Sobel(z, ddepth, xorder, yorder, ksize=-1) # 3x3 Scharr grad_h = grad_h.astype(float) # Along vertical direction xorder, yorder = 0, 1 grad_v = cv2.Sobel(z, ddepth, xorder, yorder, ksize=-1) # 3x3 Scharr grad_v = grad_v.astype(float) # Magnitude grad_mag[:, :, i] = np.sqrt(np.square(grad_h) + np.square(grad_v)) # Orientation grad_orient[:, :, i] = np.arctan2(grad_v, grad_h) if expanded: grad_mag = grad_mag[:, :, 0] grad_orient = grad_orient[:, :, 0] return grad_mag, grad_orient
[docs]def gamma_correct(im, gamma=2.2): r"""Applies gamma correction to an ``uint`` image. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): H-by-W if single-channel (e.g., grayscale) or H-by-W-by-C multi-channel (e.g., RGB) ``uint`` images. gamma (float, optional): Gamma value :math:`< 1` shifts image towards the darker end of the spectrum, while value :math:`> 1` towards the brighter. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Gamma-corrected image. """ cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) assert im.dtype in ('uint8', 'uint16') # Don't correct alpha channel, if exists alpha = None if im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[2] == 4: alpha = im[:, :, 3] im = im[:, :, :3] # Correct with lookup table type_max = np.iinfo(im.dtype).max table = np.array([ ((x / type_max) ** (1 / gamma)) * type_max for x in np.arange(0, type_max + 1) ]).astype(im.dtype) im_corrected = cv2.LUT(im, table) # Concat alpha channel back if alpha is not None: im_corrected = np.dstack((im_corrected, alpha)) return im_corrected
[docs]def rgb2lum(im): """Converts RGB to relative luminance (if input is linear RGB) or luma (if input is gamma-corrected RGB). Args: im (numpy.ndarray): RGB array of shape ``(..., 3)``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Relative luminance or luma array. """ assert im.shape[-1] == 3, "Input's last dimension must hold RGB" lum = 0.2126 * im[..., 0] + 0.7152 * im[..., 1] + 0.0722 * im[..., 2] return lum
def _assert_float_0to1(arr): if arr.dtype.kind != 'f': raise TypeError("Input must be float (is %s)" % arr.dtype) if (arr < 0).any() or (arr > 1).any(): raise ValueError("Input image has pixels outside [0, 1]") def _assert_3ch(arr): if arr.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Input image is not even 3D (H-by-W-by-3)") n_ch = arr.shape[2] if n_ch != 3: raise ValueError("Input image must have 3 channels, but has %d" % n_ch) srgb_linear_thres = 0.0031308 srgb_linear_coeff = 12.92 srgb_exponential_coeff = 1.055 srgb_exponent = 2.4
[docs]def linear2srgb(im, clip=False): r"""Converts an image from linear RGB values to sRGB. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): Of type ``float``, and all pixels must be :math:`\in [0, 1]`. clip (bool, optional): Whether to clip values to :math:`[0,1]`. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Converted image in sRGB. """ if clip: im = np.clip(im, 0, 1) _assert_float_0to1(im) im_ = deepcopy(im) # Guaranteed to be [0, 1] floats linear_ind = im_ <= srgb_linear_thres nonlinear_ind = im_ > srgb_linear_thres im_[linear_ind] = im_[linear_ind] * srgb_linear_coeff im_[nonlinear_ind] = srgb_exponential_coeff * ( np.power(im_[nonlinear_ind], 1 / srgb_exponent) ) - (srgb_exponential_coeff - 1) return im_
[docs]def srgb2linear(im, clip=False): r"""Converts an image from sRGB values to linear RGB. Args: im (numpy.ndarray): Of type ``float``, and all pixels must be :math:`\in [0, 1]`. clip (bool, optional): Whether to clip values to :math:`[0,1]`. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Converted image in linear RGB. """ if clip: im = np.clip(im, 0, 1) _assert_float_0to1(im) im_ = deepcopy(im) # Guaranteed to be [0, 1] floats gamma = ( (im_ + srgb_exponential_coeff - 1) / srgb_exponential_coeff ) ** srgb_exponent scale = im_ / srgb_linear_coeff im_ = np.where(im_ > srgb_linear_thres * srgb_linear_coeff, gamma, scale) return im_
[docs]def tonemap(hdr, method='gamma', gamma=2.2): r"""Tonemaps an HDR image. Args: hdr (numpy.ndarray): HDR image. method (str, optional): Values accepted: ``'gamma'`` and ``'reinhard'``. gamma (float, optional): Gamma value used if method is ``'gamma'``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Tonemapped image :math:`\in [0, 1]`. """ if method == 'reinhard': cv2 = preset_import('cv2', assert_success=True) tonemapper = cv2.createTonemapReinhard(1, 1, 0, 0) img = tonemapper.process(hdr) elif method == 'gamma': img = (hdr / hdr.max()) ** (1 / gamma) else: raise ValueError(method) # Clip, if necessary, to guard against numerical errors minv, maxv = img.min(), img.max() if minv < 0: logger.warning("Clipping negative values (min.: %f)", minv) img = np.clip(img, 0, np.inf) if maxv > 1: logger.warning("Clipping >1 values (max.: %f)", maxv) img = np.clip(img, -np.inf, 1) return img