Source code for xiuminglib.geometry.proj

import numpy as np

from ..imprt import preset_import

[docs]def to_homo(pts): """Pads 2/3D points to homogeneous, by guessing which dimension to pad. Args: pts (array_like): Input array of 2D or 3D points. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Homogeneous coordinates of the input points. """ pts = np.array(pts) if pts.ndim == 1: pts_homo = np.hstack((pts, 1)) elif pts.ndim == 2: err_str = " (assumed to be # points) must be >3 to be not ambiguous" h, w = pts.shape if h > w: # tall assert h > 3, "Input has height (%d) > width (%d); the height" \ % (h, w) + err_str pts_homo = np.hstack((pts, np.ones((h, 1)))) elif h < w: # fat assert w > 3, "Input has width (%d) > height (%d); the width" \ % (w, h) + err_str pts_homo = np.vstack((pts, np.ones((1, w)))) else: # square raise ValueError( "Ambiguous square matrix that I can't guess how to pad") else: raise ValueError(pts.ndim) return pts_homo
[docs]def from_homo(pts, axis=None): """Converts from homogeneous to non-homogeneous coordinates. Args: pts (numpy.ndarray or mathutils.Vector): NumPy array of N-D point(s), or Blender vector of a single N-D point. axis (int, optional): The last slice of which dimension holds the :math:`w` values. Optional for 1D inputs. Returns: numpy.ndarray or mathutils.Vector: Non-homogeneous coordinates of the input point(s). """ Vector = preset_import('Vector') if Vector is not None and isinstance(pts, Vector): if axis not in (None, 0): raise ValueError(( "Axis must be either None (auto) or 0 for a Blender vector " "input")) pts_nonhomo = Vector(x / pts[-1] for x in pts[:-1]) elif isinstance(pts, np.ndarray): if axis is None: if pts.ndim == 1: axis = 0 else: raise ValueError(( "When pts has more than one dimension, axis must be " "specified")) arr = np.take(pts, range(pts.shape[axis] - 1), axis=axis) w = np.take(pts, -1, axis=axis) pts_nonhomo = np.divide(arr, w) # by broadcasting else: raise TypeError(pts) return pts_nonhomo