Source code for xiuminglib.blender.object

import re
from os.path import basename, dirname
import numpy as np

from ..imprt import preset_import

from .. import log, os as xm_os
logger = log.get_logger()

[docs]def get_object(otype, any_ok=False): """Gets the handle of the only (or any) object of the given type. Args: otype (str): Object type: ``'MESH'``, ``'CAMERA'``, ``'LAMP'`` or any string ``a_bpy_obj.type`` may return. any_ok (bool, optional): Whether it's ok to grab any object when there exist multiple ones matching the given type. If ``False``, there must be exactly one object of the given type. Returns: bpy_types.Object. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) objs = [x for x in if x.type == otype] n_objs = len(objs) if n_objs == 0: raise RuntimeError("There's no object matching the given type") if n_objs == 1: return objs[0] # More than one objects if any_ok: return objs[0] raise RuntimeError(( "When `any_ok` is `False`, there must be exactly " "one object matching the given type"))
[docs]def remove_objects(name_pattern, regex=False): """Removes object(s) from current scene. Args: name_pattern (str): Name or name pattern of object(s) to remove. regex (bool, optional): Whether to interpret ``name_pattern`` as a regex. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) objs = removed = [] if regex: assert (name_pattern != '*'), \ "Want to match everything? Correct regex for that is '.*'" name_pattern = re.compile(name_pattern) for obj in objs: if name_pattern.match( obj.select_set(True) removed.append( else: obj.select_set(False) else: for obj in objs: if == name_pattern: obj.select_set(True) removed.append( else: obj.select_set(False) # Delete bpy.ops.object.delete() # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Removed from scene: %s", removed)
[docs]def import_object( model_path, axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y', rot_mat=((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)), trans_vec=(0, 0, 0), scale=1, merge=False, name=None): """Imports external object to current scene, the low-level way. Args: model_path (str): Path to object to add. axis_forward (str, optional): Which direction is forward. axis_up (str, optional): Which direction is upward. rot_mat (array_like, optional): 3-by-3 rotation matrix *preceding* translation. trans_vec (array_like, optional): 3D translation vector *following* rotation. scale (float, optional): Scale of the object. merge (bool, optional): Whether to merge objects into one. name (str, optional): Object name after import. Returns: bpy_types.Object or list(bpy_types.Object): Imported object(s). """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) Matrix = preset_import('Matrix', assert_success=True) # Deselect all for o in o.select_set(False) # Import if model_path.endswith('.obj'): bpy.ops.import_scene.obj( filepath=model_path, axis_forward=axis_forward, axis_up=axis_up) elif model_path.endswith('.ply'): bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath=model_path) logger.warning("axis_forward and axis_up ignored for .ply") else: raise NotImplementedError(".%s" % model_path.split('.')[-1]) # Merge, if asked to if merge and len(bpy.context.selected_objects) > 1: objs_to_merge = bpy.context.selected_objects context = bpy.context.copy() context['active_object'] = objs_to_merge[0] context['selected_objects'] = objs_to_merge context['selected_editable_bases'] = \ [bpy.context.scene.object_bases[] for o in objs_to_merge] bpy.ops.object.join(context) objs_to_merge[0].name = 'merged' # change object name # objs_to_merge[0] = 'merged' # change mesh name obj_list = [] for i, obj in enumerate(bpy.context.selected_objects): # Rename if name is not None: if len(bpy.context.selected_objects) == 1: = name else: = name + '_' + str(i) # Compute world matrix trans_4x4 = Matrix.Translation(trans_vec) rot_4x4 = Matrix(rot_mat).to_4x4() scale_4x4 = Matrix(np.eye(4)) # don't scale here obj.matrix_world = trans_4x4 * rot_4x4 * scale_4x4 # Scale obj.scale = (scale, scale, scale) obj_list.append(obj) # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Imported: %s", model_path) if len(obj_list) == 1: return obj_list[0] return obj_list
[docs]def export_object(obj_names, model_path, axis_forward=None, axis_up=None): """Exports Blender object(s) to a file. Args: obj_names (str or list(str)): Object name(s) to export. Must be a single string if output format is .ply. model_path (str): Output .obj or .ply path. axis_forward (str, optional): Which direction is forward. For .obj, the default is ``'-Z'``, and ``'Y'`` for .ply. axis_up (str, optional): Which direction is upward. For .obj, the default is ``'Y'``, and ``'Z'`` for .ply. Writes - Exported model file, possibly accompanied by a material file. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) out_dir = dirname(model_path) xm_os.makedirs(out_dir) if isinstance(obj_names, str): obj_names = [obj_names] exported = [] for o in [x for x in if x.type == 'MESH']: o.select_set( in obj_names) if exported.append( if model_path.endswith('.ply'): assert len(obj_names) == 1, \ ".ply holds a single object; use .obj for multiple objects" if axis_forward is None: axis_forward = 'Y' if axis_up is None: axis_up = 'Z' bpy.ops.export_mesh.ply( filepath=model_path, axis_forward=axis_forward, axis_up=axis_up) elif model_path.endswith('.obj'): if axis_forward is None: axis_forward = '-Z' if axis_up is None: axis_up = 'Y' bpy.ops.export_scene.obj( filepath=model_path, use_selection=True, axis_forward=axis_forward, axis_up=axis_up) else: raise NotImplementedError(".%s" % model_path.split('.')[-1])"%s Exported to %s", exported, model_path)
[docs]def add_cylinder_between(pt1, pt2, r=1e-3, name=None): """Adds a cylinder specified by two end points and radius. Super useful for visualizing rays in ray tracing while debugging. Args: pt1 (array_like): World coordinates of point 1. pt2 (array_like): World coordinates of point 2. r (float, optional): Cylinder radius. name (str, optional): Cylinder name. Returns: bpy_types.Object: Cylinder added. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) pt1 = np.array(pt1) pt2 = np.array(pt2) d = pt2 - pt1 # Add cylinder at the correct location dist = np.linalg.norm(d) loc = (pt1[0] + d[0] / 2, pt1[1] + d[1] / 2, pt1[2] + d[2] / 2) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=r, depth=dist, location=loc) cylinder_obj = bpy.context.object if name is not None: = name # Further rotate it accordingly phi = np.arctan2(d[1], d[0]) theta = np.arccos(d[2] / dist) cylinder_obj.rotation_euler[1] = theta cylinder_obj.rotation_euler[2] = phi # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update() return cylinder_obj
[docs]def add_rectangular_plane( center_loc=(0, 0, 0), point_to=(0, 0, 1), size=(2, 2), name=None): """Adds a rectangular plane specified by its center location, dimensions, and where its +z points to. Args: center_loc (array_like, optional): Plane center location in world coordinates. point_to (array_like, optional): Point in world coordinates to which plane's +z points. size (array_like, optional): Sizes in x and y directions (0 in z). name (str, optional): Plane name. Returns: bpy_types.Object: Plane added. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) Vector = preset_import('Vector', assert_success=True) center_loc = np.array(center_loc) point_to = np.array(point_to) size = np.append(np.array(size), 0) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=center_loc) plane_obj = bpy.context.object if name is not None: = name plane_obj.dimensions = size # Point it to target direction = Vector(point_to) - plane_obj.location # Find quaternion that rotates plane's 'Z' so that it aligns with # `direction`. This rotation is not unique because the rotated plane can # still rotate about direction vector. Specifying 'Y' gives the rotation # quaternion with plane's 'Y' pointing up rot_quat = direction.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y') plane_obj.rotation_euler = rot_quat.to_euler() # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update() return plane_obj
[docs]def create_mesh(verts, faces, name='new-mesh'): """Creates a mesh from vertices and faces. Args: verts (array_like): Local coordinates of the vertices, of shape N-by-3. faces (list(tuple)): Faces specified by ordered vertex indices. name (str, optional): Mesh name. Returns: bpy_types.Mesh: Mesh data created. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) verts = np.array(verts) # Create mesh mesh_data = mesh_data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) mesh_data.update()"Mesh '%s' created", name) return mesh_data
[docs]def create_object_from_mesh(mesh_data, obj_name='new-obj', location=(0, 0, 0), rotation_euler=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)): """Creates object from mesh data. Args: mesh_data (bpy_types.Mesh): Mesh data. obj_name (str, optional): Object name. location (tuple, optional): Object location in world coordinates. rotation_euler (tuple, optional): Object rotation in radians. scale (tuple, optional): Object scale. Returns: bpy_types.Object: Object created. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) # Create obj =, mesh_data) # Link to current scene scene = bpy.context.scene obj.select_set(True) = obj # make the selection effective # Set attributes obj.location = location obj.rotation_euler = rotation_euler obj.scale = scale"Object '%s' created from mesh data and selected", obj_name) # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update() return obj
def _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj): """Internal helper function clears the node tree of active material. So that desired node tree can be cleanly set up. If no active material, one will be created. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) # Create material if none if obj.active_material is None: mat ='new-mat-for-%s' % if # Assign to first material slot[0] = mat else: # No slots active_mat = obj.active_material active_mat.use_nodes = True node_tree = active_mat.node_tree nodes = node_tree.nodes # Remove all nodes for node in nodes: nodes.remove(node) return node_tree
[docs]def color_vertices(obj, vert_ind, colors): r"""Colors each vertex of interest with the given color. Colors are defined for vertex loops, in fact. This function uses the same color for all loops of a vertex. Useful for making a 3D heatmap. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object. vert_ind (int or list(int)): Index/indices of vertex/vertices to color. colors (tuple or list(tuple)): RGB value(s) to paint on vertex/vertices. Values :math:`\in [0, 1]`. If one tuple, this color will be applied to all vertices. If list of tuples, must be of the same length as ``vert_ind``. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) # Validate inputs if isinstance(vert_ind, int): vert_ind = [vert_ind] else: vert_ind = list(vert_ind) if isinstance(colors, tuple): colors = [colors] * len(vert_ind) assert (len(colors) == len(vert_ind)), \ ("`colors` and `vert_ind` must be of the same length, " "or `colors` is a single tuple") for i, c in enumerate(colors): c = tuple(c) if len(c) == 3: colors[i] = c + (1,) elif len(c) == 4: # In case some Blender version needs 4-tuples colors[i] = c else: raise ValueError("Wrong color length: %d" % len(c)) if any(x > 1 for c in colors for x in c): logger.warning("Did you forget to normalize color values to [0, 1]?") scene = bpy.context.scene = obj obj.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') mesh = if mesh.vertex_colors: vcol_layer = else: vcol_layer = # A vertex and one of its edges combined are called a loop, which has a # color. So if a vertex has four outgoing edges, it has four colors for # the four loops for poly in mesh.polygons: for loop_idx in poly.loop_indices: loop_vert_idx = mesh.loops[loop_idx].vertex_index try: color_idx = vert_ind.index(loop_vert_idx) except ValueError: color_idx = None if color_idx is not None: try:[loop_idx].color = colors[color_idx] except ValueError: # This Blender version requires 3-tuples[loop_idx].color = colors[color_idx][:3] # Set up nodes for vertex colors node_tree = _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj) nodes = node_tree.nodes attr_node ='ShaderNodeAttribute') diffuse_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') output_node ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') nodes['Attribute'].attribute_name =[0], diffuse_node.inputs[0])[0], output_node.inputs[0]) # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Vertex color(s) added to '%s'", logger.warning("..., so node tree of '%s' has changed",
def _assert_cycles(scene): engine = scene.render.engine if engine != 'CYCLES': raise NotImplementedError(engine) def _make_texture_node(obj, texture_str): bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) mat = obj.active_material node_tree = mat.node_tree nodes = node_tree.nodes texture_node ='ShaderNodeTexImage') if texture_str == 'bundled': texture = mat.active_texture assert texture is not None, "No bundled texture found" img = texture.image else: # Path given -- external texture map, check_existing=True) img =[basename(texture_str)] # Careless texture mapping texture_node.projection = 'FLAT' texcoord_node ='ShaderNodeTexCoord') if is None: texcoord = texcoord_node.outputs['Generated'] else: texcoord = texcoord_node.outputs['UV'], texture_node.inputs['Vector']) texture_node.image = img return texture_node
[docs]def setup_simple_nodetree(obj, texture, shader_type, roughness=0): r"""Sets up a simple (diffuse and/or glossy) node tree. Texture can be an bundled texture map, a path to an external texture map, or simply a pure color. If a path to an external image, and UV coordinates are given (e.g., in the geometry .obj file), then they will be used. If they are not given, texture mapping will be done carelessly, with automatically generated UV coordinates. See private function :func:`_make_texture_node` for how this is done. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object, optionally bundled with texture map. texture (str or tuple): If string, must be ``'bundled'`` or path to the texture image. If tuple, must be of 4 floats :math:`\in [0, 1]` as RGBA values. shader_type (str): Either ``'diffuse'`` or ``'glossy'``. roughness (float, optional): If diffuse, the roughness in Oren-Nayar, 0 gives Lambertian. If glossy, 0 means perfectly reflective. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) scene = bpy.context.scene _assert_cycles(scene) node_tree = _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj) nodes = node_tree.nodes if shader_type == 'glossy': shader_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy') elif shader_type == 'diffuse': shader_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') else: raise ValueError(shader_type) if isinstance(texture, str): texture_node = _make_texture_node(obj, texture) texture_node.outputs['Color'], shader_node.inputs['Color']) elif isinstance(texture, tuple): shader_node.inputs['Color'].default_value = texture else: raise TypeError(texture) output_node ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') shader_node.outputs['BSDF'], output_node.inputs['Surface']) # Roughness shader_node.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = roughness "%s node tree set up for '%s'", shader_type.capitalize(),
[docs]def setup_emission_nodetree(obj, texture=(1, 1, 1, 1), strength=1, hide=False): r"""Sets up an emission node tree for the object. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object (maybe bundled with texture map). texture (str or tuple, optional): If string, must be ``'bundled'`` or path to the texture image. If tuple, must be of 4 floats :math:`\in [0, 1]` as RGBA values. strength (float, optional): Emission strength. hide (bool, optional): Useful for hiding the emissive object (but keeping the light of course). """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) scene = bpy.context.scene _assert_cycles(scene) node_tree = _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj) nodes = node_tree.nodes # Emission node'ShaderNodeEmission') if isinstance(texture, str): texture_node = _make_texture_node(obj, texture) texture_node.outputs['Color'], nodes['Emission'].inputs['Color']) elif isinstance(texture, tuple): nodes['Emission'].inputs['Color'].default_value = texture else: raise TypeError(texture) nodes['Emission'].inputs['Strength'].default_value = strength # Output node'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') nodes['Emission'].outputs['Emission'], nodes['Material Output'].inputs['Surface']) # hide_render hides the object and the light, but this keeps the light = not hide # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Emission node tree set up for '%s'",
[docs]def setup_holdout_nodetree(obj): """Sets up a holdout node tree for the object. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object bundled with texture map. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) scene = bpy.context.scene _assert_cycles(scene) node_tree = _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj) nodes = node_tree.nodes'ShaderNodeHoldout')'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') nodes['Holdout'].outputs[0], nodes['Material Output'].inputs[0]) # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Holdout node tree set up for '%s'",
[docs]def setup_retroreflective_nodetree( obj, texture, roughness=0, glossy_weight=0.1): r"""Sets up a retroreflective texture node tree. Bundled texture can be an external texture map (carelessly mapped) or a pure color. Mathematically, the BRDF model is a mixture of a diffuse BRDF and a glossy BRDF using incoming light directions as normals. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object, optionally bundled with texture map. texture (str or tuple): If string, must be ``'bundled'`` or path to the texture image. If tuple, must be of 4 floats :math:`\in [0, 1]` as RGBA values. roughness (float, optional): Roughness for both the glossy and diffuse shaders. glossy_weight (float, optional): Mixture weight for the glossy shader. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) scene = bpy.context.scene _assert_cycles(scene) node_tree = _clear_nodetree_for_active_material(obj) nodes = node_tree.nodes # Set color for diffuse and glossy nodes diffuse_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') glossy_node ='ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy') if isinstance(texture, str): texture_node = _make_texture_node(obj, texture) texture_node.outputs['Color'], diffuse_node.inputs['Color']) texture_node.outputs['Color'], glossy_node.inputs['Color']) elif isinstance(texture, tuple): diffuse_node.inputs['Color'].default_value = texture glossy_node.inputs['Color'].default_value = texture else: raise TypeError(texture) geometry_node ='ShaderNodeNewGeometry') mix_node ='ShaderNodeMixShader') output_node ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') geometry_node.outputs['Incoming'], glossy_node.inputs['Normal'])['BSDF'], mix_node.inputs[1])['BSDF'], mix_node.inputs[2]) mix_node.outputs['Shader'], output_node.inputs['Surface']) # Roughness diffuse_node.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = roughness glossy_node.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = roughness mix_node.inputs['Fac'].default_value = glossy_weight # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Retroreflective node tree set up for '%s'",
[docs]def get_bmesh(obj): """Gets Blender mesh data from object. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object. Returns: BMesh: Blender mesh data. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) bmesh = preset_import('bmesh', assert_success=True) bm = bm.from_mesh( # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update() return bm
[docs]def subdivide_mesh(obj, n_subdiv=2): """Subdivides mesh of object. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object whose mesh is to be subdivided. n_subdiv (int, optional): Number of subdivision levels. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) scene = bpy.context.scene # All objects need to be in 'OBJECT' mode to apply modifiers -- maybe a # Blender bug? for o in = o bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') o.select_set(False) obj.select_set(True) = obj bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF') obj.modifiers['Subdivision'].subdivision_type = 'CATMULL_CLARK' obj.modifiers['Subdivision'].levels = n_subdiv obj.modifiers['Subdivision'].render_levels = n_subdiv # Apply modifier bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier='Subdivision', apply_as='DATA') # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Subdivided mesh of '%s'",
[docs]def select_mesh_elements_by_vertices(obj, vert_ind, select_type): """Selects vertices or their associated edges/faces in edit mode. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object. vert_ind (int or list(int)): Vertex index/indices. select_type (str): Type of mesh elements to select: ``'vertex'``, ``'edge'`` or ``'face'``. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) bmesh = preset_import('bmesh', assert_success=True) if isinstance(vert_ind, int): vert_ind = [vert_ind] # Edit mode scene = bpy.context.scene = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Deselect all bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='FACE') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='EDGE') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='VERT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( bvs = bm.verts bvs.ensure_lookup_table() for i in vert_ind: bv = bvs[i] if select_type == 'vertex': bv.select_set(True) # Select all edges with this vertex at an end elif select_type == 'edge': for be in bv.link_edges: be.select_set(True) # Select all faces with this vertex elif select_type == 'face': for bf in bv.link_faces: bf.select_set(True) else: raise ValueError("Wrong selection type") # Update viewport = # Scene update necessary, as matrix_world is updated lazily bpy.context.view_layer.update()"Selected %s elements of '%s'", select_type,
[docs]def add_sphere( location=(0, 0, 0), scale=1, n_subdiv=2, shade_smooth=False, name=None): """Adds a sphere. Args: location (array_like, optional): Location of the sphere center. scale (float, optional): Scale of the sphere. n_subdiv (int, optional): Control of how round the sphere is. shade_smooth (bool, optional): Whether to use smooth shading. name (str, optional): Name of the added sphere. Returns: bpy_types.Object: Sphere created. """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add() sphere = bpy.context.active_object if name is not None: = name sphere.location = location sphere.scale = (scale, scale, scale) # Subdivide for smoother sphere bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF') sphere.modifiers['Subdivision'].subdivision_type = 'CATMULL_CLARK' sphere.modifiers['Subdivision'].levels = n_subdiv sphere.modifiers['Subdivision'].render_levels = n_subdiv = sphere bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier='Subdivision', apply_as='DATA') # Fake smoothness if shade_smooth: for f in f.use_smooth = True return sphere
[docs]def smart_uv_unwrap(obj, area_weight=0.0): """UV unwrapping using Blender's smart projection. A vertex may map to multiple UV locations, but each loop maps to exactly one UV location. If a face uses M vertices, then it has M loops, so a vertex may belong to multiple loops, each of which has one UV location. Note: If a vertex belongs to no face, it doesn't get a UV coordinate, so don't assume you can get a UV for any given vertex index. Args: obj (bpy_types.Object): Object to UV unwrap. area_weight (float, optional): Area weight. Returns: dict(numpy.ndarray): Dictionary with its keys being the face indices, and values being 2D arrays with four columns containing the corresponding face's loop indices, vertex indices, :math:`u`, and :math:`v`. UV coordinate convention: .. code-block:: none (0, 1) ^ v | | | | +-----------> (1, 0) (0, 0) u """ bpy = preset_import('bpy', assert_success=True) assert obj.type == 'MESH' bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(user_area_weight=area_weight) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Since # faces is usually very large, using faces as dictionary # keys usually leads to speedups (compared with having them as # an array's column and then slicing the array) fi_li_vi_u_v = {} for f in li_vi_u_v = [] for vi, li in zip(f.vertices, f.loop_indices): uv =[li].uv li_vi_u_v.append([li, vi, uv.x, uv.y]) fi_li_vi_u_v[f.index] = np.array(li_vi_u_v) return fi_li_vi_u_v
[docs]def raycast(obj_bvhtree, ray_from_objspc, ray_to_objspc): """Casts a ray to an object. Args: obj_bvhtree (mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree): Constructed BVH tree of the object. ray_from_objspc (mathutils.Vector): Ray origin, in object's local coordinates. ray_to_objspc (mathutils.Vector): Ray goes through this point, also specified in the object's local coordinates. Note that the ray doesn't stop at this point, and this is just for computing the ray direction. Returns: tuple: - **hit_loc** (*mathutils.Vector*) -- Hit location on the object, in the object's local coordinates. ``None`` means no intersection. - **hit_normal** (*mathutils.Vector*) -- Normal of the hit location, also in the object's local coordinates. - **hit_fi** (*int*) -- Index of the face where the hit happens. - **ray_dist** (*float*) -- Distance that the ray has traveled before hitting the object. If ``ray_to_objspc`` is a point on the object surface, then this return value is useful for checking for self occlusion. """ ray_dir = (ray_to_objspc - ray_from_objspc).normalized() hit_loc, hit_normal, hit_fi, ray_dist = \ obj_bvhtree.ray_cast(ray_from_objspc, ray_dir) if hit_loc is None: assert hit_normal is None and hit_fi is None and ray_dist is None return hit_loc, hit_normal, hit_fi, ray_dist